"The beauty one is not able to tell about!" | Parachute expedition to the North Pole
PARACHUTE EXPEDITION TO THE NORTH POLEThe airplane makes another circle and from the height of 1500 meters at a speed of 280 km/h the first 5-man-strong group of skydivers leave the plane, among them specialists in car parachuting and Father Viktor. The airplane climbs to 2500 meters. The main group of skydivers stands in line near the edge of the ramp door and waits for the command to jump. The sharp sound of the siren embarrasses the first rank of the skydivers, but the back rows start moving to the ramp, and the whole mass of skydivers falls down into the abyss. In 35 seconds the sky over the North Pole brightens up with various colors of the parachutes. The polar silence is broken by the enthusiastic shouts of the descending skydivers and their friends meeting them on the surface. All express their emotions in their own way: some shout, others cry, still others dance, and some laugh. Already several minutes later preparations started for a new jump. The skydivers of the forward party and freshmen in skydiving took off in a MI-8 helicopter and made their independent parachute jump down on the North Pole. The main heroes of that skydiving were the 14-year-old boy Yegor Bakalov who made his first independent parachute jump, and Nordzia Bi Mohamad Noor, a Malaysian mother of five children. Then, near the symbolical signpost indicating distances to the various geographical places, everybody celebrated the event with the traditional drinking of champagne and raising of the flags of: the World Youth Games, the National Olympic Committee of Russia, the city of Moscow, and the participating countries - Russia, Malaysia, France, Portugal, Great Britain, Canada, Holland, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, as well as the flags of the organizations that participated in the preparation of the expedition. It is impossible to say how much video recording was done or how many photographs were taken. Two and a half hours passed quickly, everyone wanted to stay as long as possible on the North Pole, but the weather began to worsen which forced the participants of the expedition to gather fast for flying away to the Ice Airfield that was at the distance of 40 minutes flying time. Only five people were left on the ice floe, they began preparing the Malaysian car for evacuation from the North Pole.
We look forward to get together and meet one another again!
We are preparing new expeditions!
And we will be glad to include into our team all those
who seek adventures and need new friends!