Activity plan 2000-2001 on 100 G.A.Ushakov's Birthday anniversary celebration
1. Realization of an expedition for the Ushakov family archive identification on the site of G.A. Ushakov's activity from 1930 to 1935 in North Land archipelago area and on Ushakov Island:
North Land |
1.1.Quantity of participants: 15 people;
1.2.Expedition objectives:
- A visit to Dixon, Sredny, Domashny, Ushakova, Uyedineniya islands;
- A visit to burial places of polarmen on Domashny island and to visit G.A. Ushakov's tomb who was a pioneer and an explorer of the North Land;
- Cover a blank space on the amateur map of the world while making the first communication session within radio amateur bands on Ushakova Island;
- Providing Arctic frontier guards; goods delivery to the Sredny Island frontier post; organization of "Sedmaya Voda" band show for the frontier guards in Vorkuta and on Sredny Island, celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Victory;
- Installing of an Orthdox Cross in honour of sailors-pioneers of the "Taimyr" and "Vaigatch" ice-breakers. Hoisting the Russian flag on the site of the first debarkation of the hydrographic expedition on the Arctic Ocean in 1913 and on Arktichesky (Arctic) cape of the North Land – the northernmost spot of the archipelago;
- Make a mobile exhibition (photos, Ushakov's sketches, maps, G.A. Ushakov's files);
- Make a photofiles archive of the expedition for G.A. Ushakov's signs;
1.3.Report files: lectures in Russian Geographic Society (RGS) and at the 11th RGS conference; readings in the Domestic Waters Institute on the subject: "G.A. Ushakov - the first Vrangel Island Governor, an explorer of the North Land archipelago - the last biggest geographic discovery of the second millenium"; expedition results mass media coverage; creation of an Internet page; press-conferences realization..
1.4.Issuing a stamp, an envelope, coins, a seal;
1.5.Creation of an envelope series;
1.6.Republishing of G.A. Ushakov's books: "The Snowstorm Island", "On the Untrodden Land".
2. Expedition to Far East, Ushakov's Native Land:
Eskimos around summer hut
on the Vrangel island |
2.1.Expedition Terms: from the 12th of February 2001;
2.2.Quantity of participants: 15 people;
2.3.Expedition objectives:
- Realizing of readings in Birobidjan City, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok on subject: "The Great Compatriot - G.A. Ushakov - the first governor and explorer of Vrangel Island, the explorer of the North Land archipelago - the last largest geographical
- A visit to the Ushakov district in Birobidjan City, named after G.A. Ushakov;
- Demonstration and a ceremonial delivery of the family archive files to the museum expositions of Birobidjan, Lazarevskoe settlement, Khabarovsk;
- Identification of family archives files in Lazarevskoe settlement, the place of Ushakov's birth;
- Identification of family archives files in Khabarovsk, the place of Ushakov's study;
- Identification of family archives files in the region of the beginning of Ushakov's professional activity and of spade-works on Vrangel Island (1926- 29) and in Vladivostok;
- Delivery of the family archives files in a ceremonial way which are connected with the beginning of cooperation with V.K. Arseniev and with the work on Vrangel Island (1926 - 28) to the museum exposition of Vladivostok. Meeting Ushakov's relatives;
- Holding a press-conference, dedicated to the anniversary of the Vrangel Island return to Russia - a compaign of a gunboat "Krasny Oktyabr" (Red October) under the command of B.V. Davydov. To consecrate the flag to be hoisted on Vrangel Island;
- Making a photofiles archive of the expedition for G.A. Ushakov's signs;
2.4.Report files: lectures in Russian Geographic Society (RGS), expedition results mass media coverage, to make an Internet page, press-conferences holding.
3. An expedition to the places of Ushakov's polar activity start and to the site of the first island settlement that he created (Vrangel Island and Providence Bay):
Eskimos on the Vrangel island |
3.1.Expedition terms: spring 2001;
3.2.Quantity of participants: 15 people;
3.3.Expedition objectives are:
- Family archives files identification on Ushakov's work site when he was the First governor and explorer of Vrangel Island and Gerald Island;
- Hoisting the Russian flag by G.A. Ushakov's memorial in Ushakovsky settlement;
- Bricking up the container with the map copy, made by G.A. Ushakov;
- Providence Bay visitation (Chukotsky region) – nativeland of the first Vrngel Island settlers.
- Making a photofiles archive of the expedition for G.A. Ushakov's signs;
3.4.Report files: lectures in Russian Geographic Society (RGS), expedition results mass media coverage, to make an Internet page, press- conferences holding.
4. Expedition to North Land - the place of the last refuge for the explorers of russian Arctic zone:
Memorial of Ushakov |
4.1.Expedition terms: spring - summer 2001;
4.2.Quantity of participants: 15 people;
4.3.Expedition's objectives are:
- Memorial plaque installation onto Ushakov tomb stone (Domashny Island) from the participants of the 100th anniversary from Ushakov's birthday jubilee celebrations who was the first governor and explorer of Vrangel Island, the explorer of the North Land archipelago – the last largest geographical discovery of the second millenium;
- Installing a memorable sign on the Arctic Cape in honour of explorers and pathfinders of island territories of Russian Arctic zone;
- Bricking-up of a container with a message to future patriots of Russian Arctic zone from the expedition perticipants on Arctic Cape,which is dedicated to the 100th anniversary from Ushakov's birthday and which is the first step the program "Russian Great Explorers and Pathfinders of the Arctic and the Antarctic in the Second Millenium";
- Making a photofiles archive of the expedition for G.A. Ushakov's signs;
5. Report files: lectures in Russian Geographic Society (RGS), expedition results mass media coverage, an Internet page creation, making a movie about Ushakov's life, exhibition in Oceanology Institute RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) museum;
6. RAS presidium meeting dedicated to the end of expedition (RAS presidium);
7. Holding of press-conferences on the results of the activity done and dated for the 100th anniversary of Ushakov's birthday.
North Pole