Please note that only sites that have at least some information in English (or any other European language) are included in this list. For the complete list of Russian gay sites please refer to the Russian version of this list.
"Queer Resource Directory" (mirror-1, mirror-2)
Information on queer movement in Russia collected by the largest queer documents archive. Most articles are outdated and updates do not occur often.
Cracks in the Iron Closet
A book on the history of gay movement in Russia in the beginning of nineties and a study of the sexuality in Russia. The author writes: "Cracks in the Iron Closet provides the first glimpse into the culture of Russian lesbians and gays as they speak frankly to Tuller about their lives, their loves, and the influence of the state while challenging his assumptions about what it means to be gay."
Living Gay in Russia
American journalists meet Russian gays in Novosibirsk.
Wolfy: Books & Movies
Brief review of gay books and a catalogue of gay movies.
Kevin Moss' homepage
Russian gay culture, queer cinema, magazines, pages dedicated to great Russian gay writers Eugene Kharitonov and Mikhail Kuzmin, bibliography, history. "Russian Gay Culture: An Illustrated Sampler". Kevin Moss published the first anthology of Russian gay literature "Out of the blue".
Gay Russia by Vadim Temkin
Russian Gay pages, Russian gay culture. Bulletin Board.
Sexology in Russia
Web-site of a prominent Russian sexologist, member of the Academy of Sciences, professor Igor S. Kon.
Yuri Hospodar's Yuriverse
A gay man of Russian extraction in San Francisco. His poetry, articles and biography.
Men and Women by Viktor Ivanovsky
What is the beauty of a man? Is it different from the beauty of a woman? Viktor Ivanovsky tries to catch the beauty of naked bodies. Yet this has to do more with the nakedness of a soul.
St.-Petersburg Gay Site
Discos, bars, cruising places, some news. List of links to pages on Petersburg.
Lithuanian Gay and Lesbian Site
Gay organizations and clubs in Lithuania, a few review of gay movies, news updates, gay verses in Lithuanian.
Latvian Gay and Lesbian Site
Gay organizations and clubs in Latvia, gay news, message boards.
"League" of Irkutsk
Homepage of a gay organization "League" in Irkutsk, Russia, personal ads.
Murmansk Gay and Lesbian Group
Homepage of an officially registered Murmansk Regional Public Organization "Circle".
"Our World"
Homepage of a Ukrainian gay magazine "Nash mir". News, gay travel guide on the Ukraine, jokes, movie reviews, personals. Collection of materials on gay life in the modern Ukraine.