Vladimir Putin sitting in his mother's lap, 1958.

Vladimir and Lyudmila right before their wedding in St Petersburg, 1983.

The young parents posing with their daughter Katya, 1985.

Vladimir Putin holds Katya in his arms, 1985.

Vladimir Putin and his parents in Germany, 1985.

Vladimir Putin and his daughters, 1986.

Vladimir Putin and Masha, 1988.

The Putins posing on a sunny afternoon, 1989.

Vladimir Putin plays with his dog in a park, 1993.

Vladimir Putin being smooched by Tosca, 1999.

The Putins during the Orthodox Christmas celebration, January 2000.

Vladimir and Lyudmila step from their plane upon arriving in Madrid, June 2000.

Vladimir and his wife pose during a photo shoot at the Taj Mahal in India, October 2000.

Vladimir kisses his Lyudmila after they visited the Louvre Museum in Paris, October 2000.