The Quick Search gives you the ability to search the entire Hermitage Web site based on a keyword.
--From any page on the site, enter a word or phrase into the Quick Search box and click Go.
--The search will look for all words that you include, in the order you type them. This means that if you type the words Russian painters 18th century, your will only receive results that include the phrase "Russian painters 18th century." Use the qualifiers, defined below, to find separate words and phrases.
--Your results will appear in two parts. At the bottom of the results page, you will find matches from the Digital Collection. The top of the page will show results from the rest of the site.
Using Qualifiers
The Quick Search also allows you to further restrict your search. You may use the following qualifiers in your search criteria:
1. And
Use this qualifier when you want your search results to include both of two criteria.
Enter: Matisse AND France
Results include only those items that contain both the word "Matisse" and the word "France."
2. Or
Use this qualifier when you want to search separately on two different criteria, so that your results contain items that contain one or the other of these criteria
Enter: France OR England
Results include all items that contain either the word "France" or the word "England."
3. And Not
Use this qualifier when there is a specific word or phrase that you do not want your results to include.
Enter: France AND NOT Paris
Results include items that contain the word "France" but not the word "Paris."
Fuzzy Search
The Quick Search is a "fuzzy search." This means that your results search for possible spellings of a word. For example, if you type "matise" your will still receive results for the artist "Matisse."