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With the QBIC Colour Layout Search, you can search the Digital Collection for paintings with a certain colour placement. For example, if you remember liking a painting with dark red in the upper right corner, but you don't remember anything else about it, then use this search tool to find it.

The Basic Moves

Tip! To see how the QBIC Colour Layout Search works, watch the demonstration.

-- Click inside the palette to select a colour that you would like a work of art to contain. This colour will appear above the round and square drawing tools.

-- Select either the round drawing tool or the square drawing tool, depending on which shapes you want to draw on the canvas.

-- Holding down your mouse button, drag your mouse over the canvas to create a coloured shape in the area you would like for it to appear in a work of art. The colour you have selected will fill in the shape you have drawn.

-- If you desire, repeat these steps to add more coloured shapes to the canvas.

-- Click Search to begin searching the Digital Collection.

-- To delete a shape, activate it and click Delete. To clear the canvas, click Clear All.

Tip! If you want to perform other actions with a shape you have already drawn, click on it to make it active. When a shape is active, its borders will appear highlighted.

Making Changes to a Shape

-- To perform other actions to a shape, first click inside it to make it active. Highlighted borders indicate that a shape is active.

Move a Shape

-- If you want to move a shape to a different area of the canvas, first you need to activate it.

-- Slide your mouse over the shape until the arrow becomes a cross.

-- Hold down your mouse button and drag the shape to its new position.

Resize a Shape

-- Activate the shape you want to resize.

-- Slide your mouse over a border until the arrow changes to a resize cursor.

-- Hold down your mouse and drag the border to resize the shape.

Layer Shapes

-- To layer shapes, activate the shape you would like to position. Click Send to Back to layer it behind another shape or Bring to Front to layer it on top of another shape.

Send to Back Bring to Front

Tip! When shapes overlap, QBIC searches on the colour of the top shape.

Deleting Shapes and Emptying the Canvas

-- To delete a shape, activate it and click Delete. To clear the canvas, click Clear All.

Using the RGB Scales

-- You may also use the Colour Mixer to create a custom colour. Use the RGB scales to select the value of red, green, or blue you want to make up your custom colour.

Tip! Use the RGB values to search for very specific colours.

-- The custom colour will appear above round and square buttons. As you move sliders beneath each scale, the colour will change.

-- When you have found the colour you want to use in your search, click the round or square button and draw the coloured shape on the canvas.

Tip! See the Glossary to find out more information about RGB values.

The Hermitage
t o p   o f   p a g e  
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