The Virtual Tour uses the IBM HotMedia Java applet, which downloads automatically so no installation is necessary. It supports panning and zooming with smooth motion.
To pan left and right and up and down, hold down your mouse button and drag. To activate smooth motion, hold down the Shift key (Command key for Macintosh users) when you drag. To zoom in and out, drag up and down while holding down your mouse button.
For information on using the custom Zoom View tool, see the demonstration.
To use the Zoom View tool in the Digital Collection or view panoramas in the Virtual Tour, you must have a browser that can use Java. Refer to your browser's help to learn how to enable Java. Visitors whose browsers are not using Java will not see the tool.

To view the Hermitage Web site in Cyrillic, set your browser to the following specifications:
Netscape (release 4.0 and up):
-- Select Edit from your browser menu, then click Preferences.
-- From the Category list, select Fonts from the Appearances menu.
-- When the Fonts options appear, click the For the Encoding dropdown arrow and select Cyrillic from the menu. Do not leave this window.
-- Now, from the Category list, select Languages from the Navigator menu.
-- Click the Add button. Select “Russian (ru)” from the list of languages, then click OK.
-- With “Russian” highlighted, click the up arrow to move “Russian” to the top of the list. Click OK to leave this window.
-- Select View from your browser menu, then click Encoding.
-- Click Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5) or place a check beside it.
-- Again, select View, then Encoding. Click Set Default Encoding.

For optimum viewing of the State Hermitage Web site, set your browser resolution to 800 by 600 pixels.