
Girl with lotus
bronze replica of mirror handle
Egypt, XVI-XIV c. B.C.
State Hermitage collection. |
There are no details available at this time. |
The Statuette of Nepherkhotep, Ancient Egypt
Word Nepherkhotep was originally used as an epithet for some Gods, especially for Moon Khonos; approximately translated, it sounds like "Good by content". With the time running, this epithet became independent real name and therefore, Nepherkhotep became to be the God of full value having the influence in a number of cities. Such metamorphoses were rather common. In different places different hypostasis of the same God were worshipped, and little by little they turned out to be completely independent. The reason why it happened was in Egyptian idea about the nature of god. Each God has infinite number of incarnations and might be of any appearance. From this, unlimited possibility of identifying very different gods and increasing their hypostasizes followed. The Hermitage statuette of Nepherkhotep is dated from the middle of I cent. B.C. It is nothing known about its origin, but it was definitely of votive nature and was definitely dedicated to some temple where existed the cult of this God. |
Ptakh, Ancient Egypt
Ptakh was local God of the city of Memphis. When Memphis became the capital and one of the biggest centres of the country, Ptakh expanded his influence on entire Egypt. Ptakh patronised creative forces and, in the first hand, crafts. Possibly, that's why he was believed to be Demiurge. "Memphis treatise", mythological text of great value, described how the world was created by Ptakh's word: everything arose, because he named the things. The great importance of Ptakh can be justified by the fact, that when in the middle of the II cent B.C. one tried to extract from all diversity of Gods the three most important figures, it was the Ptakh who along with Among and Ra was chosen. Ptakh was one of few Egyptian Gods always depicted as anthropoid. The reasons of this, as well as Ptakh's connection with the conception of tsar's nature and of the death, were not investigated sufficiently yet. Origin and destination of the Hermitage statuette are unknown, but it can be exactly dated on the basis of some style peculiarities from the time of XXVI dynasty (VII-VI cent. B.C.). |
Satet, Ancient Egypt
Satet was a Goddess of Sekhel island near the first Nile rapid, through which south Egypt frontier passed. Soon, the cult was expanded to neighbour city Elephantina, where her temple has been recently discovered. The name Satet originated from Sekhel name, but it also sounds like Egyptian verb "to shoot", therefore Satet became to consider as a bellicose Goddess, as well. It was actual indeed, as frontier region she protected was the assembly point for military-trading expeditions to adjacent Nubia. Satet was believed to be daughter and defender of the supreme Sun god Ra, and once tsar was thought to be Ra's son, Satet became his patroness as well. As Satet was very closely connected with the south part of the country, her image was used in crown of the tsars of Upper Egypt. The Hermitage statuette is dated from so-called XXVI Saiss dynasty (VII-VI cent. B.C.). It is nothing known about its origin, but it was definitely of votive nature and was dedicated to the temple. |
Cat Statuette, Ancient Egypt.
Cats have always been the favourite Egyptian pets. They were much less common pets then dogs. They not only amused their masters and caught rats, but they also helped to hunt on water-fowls in papyrus thickets. In the last part of the II cent. B.C., cats started to be worshipped and to be considered as Bastet incarnated. Bastet was a Goddess of the city of Boobastice on the bank of Nile . Temple of Bastet was the main one in Boobastice. Bastet cult started to be of special value when in X-VIII cent. B.C. her city became the capital of Libya tsars of so-called XXII-XXIII dynasties. At present there are a lot of votive bronze cat statues dated from this and later time. Pious people dedicated them to temples. The Hermitage statuette is ascribed to this kind of the statuettes. It is not possible to tell anything about its origination. It is dated rather approximately from last part of I cent. B.C. |