Jacob Philipp Hackert
by Nikolai Nikulin
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the article & annotations in English
Number of pages: 112
Format: 240 x 290 mm
39 colour, 118 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-060-1
$ 32
This catalogue tells about the life and oeuvre of the brilliant German painter and master of drawing of the 18th century, Jacob Philipp Hackert. He made paintings for Russian Empress Catherine II, many kings and dukes. His landscapes and scenes of sea battles, for which this artist is especially known, are presented in the catalogue. The are reproduced the works kept in different museums of St. Petersburg and in the museums of the republics of the former Soviet Union. |
Jan van Eyck. The Annunciation. From the Collection of the National Art Gallery, Washington
Team of authors
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition of one painting The main text in Russian and English
Number of pages: 32
Format: 215 x 275 mm
19 colour ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-044-X
$ 6
The exhibition devoted to one painting is a unique event in the activity of every museum. This edition is dedicated to the masterpiece of Jan van Eyck once being in the Hermitage and now lent from the National Gallery of Art in Washington |
Luigi Premazzi. Watercolours and Drawings
Team of authors
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the articles & commentaries in English
Number of pages: 168
Format: 215 x 275 mm
129 colour ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-034-2
$ 18
An Italian by birth, Luigi Premazzi arrived in St. Petersburg in 1834. The decisive circumstance in the life of the painter was his occasional meeting with Emperor Nicholas I who ordered him a series of watercolours of the navy fortress Kronstadt near St. Petersburg and of other ports of Russia. Aftewards Premazzi created multiple drawings of the interiors of the residences of emperors and Grand Dukes as well as watercolours depicting the halls of the Hermitage of the mid-18th century. |
Memorial Medals from the Collection of the Academician Boris B. Piotrovsky
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian and English
Number of pages: 96
Format: 190 x 190 mm
17 colour, 65 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-001-6
$ 2
About 200 memorial medals of the end of the 19th-20th centuries feature in this catalogue. They belonged to Boris B. Piotrovsky, Russian scientist with the world-known name, director of the State Hermitage for 25 years. |
Netsuke in the Collection of the State Hermitage by Mikhail Uspensky
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the article & commentaries in English
Number of pages: 424
Format: 205 x 255 mm
168 colour, 371 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-7664-1028-X
$ 20
The collection of netsuke of the State Hermitage is the biggest one in Russia. Its heart is the collection of baron Stieglitz transported in the Hermitage in 1926. The main part of the collection came in 1949 from Moscow. The collection is replenishing also by purchases from private persons. Now the Hermitage collection of netsuke contains more than 1500 items and the catalogue presents the most interesting of them. |
Paul Cezanne and Russian Avant-Garde of the Early 20th Century by Albert Kostenevich
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian
Number of pages: 248
Format: 215 x 275 mm
102 colour, 51 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-081-4
$ 25
The catalogue is published on the base of the materials of the exhibition that took place in the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. It is no exagerration to say that never and nowhere before anybody had tried to demonstrate the ideas of the Great French as interpreted by Russian artists in such a graphic way. Some works of the painters of the Russian Avant-Garde, included in the exhibition, are known for the Russian public and constitute the gold fund of the national art, while others were kept in the museum funds and practically had not been even exhibited. The masterpieces of Ce zanne demonstrate why he and not any other painter captured thoughts of the artists of the Russian and European Avant-Garde. |
Peter I and Holland. Russian-Dutch Artistic and Scientific Contacts. Dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Great Embassy
Team of authors
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the article & commentaries in English
Number of pages: 184
Format: 240 x 290 mm
155 colour, 78 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-020-2
$ 13
The publication of this catalogue was specially arranged to the 300th anniversary of the Great Embassy of Peter I. The exhibition dedicated to this event took place at first in Russia in 1996-97 and then in Holland. The diplomatic mission of the Embassy played a great role in the development of economic and cultural contacts of Russia. The catalogue includes the scientific essays of Russian and foreign specialists in different fields of culture of the epoch of Peter the Great. |
Persian Painting and Drawing of the 15th-19th Centuries in the Hermitage Collection
by Adel Adamova
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the article & commentaries in English
Number of pages: 376
Format: 215 x 275 mm
304 colour, 33 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-023-7
$ 20
This catalogue is a result of a long-time comprehensive work of the author on the history of painting in Moslem Iran. There are represented book miniatures, drawings, easel-paintings of Khadzhars, lacquer painted works. |
Russian Lacquers. To the 200th anniversary of the Enterprise of Lukutins
Team of authors
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian
Number of pages: 120
Format: 145 x 215 mm
16 colour, 53 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-015-6
$ 2
All the types of the Russian lacquer articles are represented in the catalogue: little boxes of different forms and shapes, snuff-boxes, writing sets, cigar boxes. They are made of wood, tin, papier-mache , pressed paper. All these nice trinkets are united by the enthusiasm among Russians for the lacquer painting. The Lukutins works was the most famous in Russia enterprise, and it even received the right to mark with the state stamp all its articles. The illustrations of the catalogue represent the best samples of Lukutins' production. |