
Orchids of Lotarigne...
The art of Emile Gallet and the Daums Brothers
28 December 1999 - 15 June 2000
The State Hermitage possesses a unique collection of works by the famous masters Emile Gallet and August and Antonine Daum, the founders of the leading artistic-industrial companies at Nancy, centre of Lotarigne, at the end of the XIX century. The famous works by Emile Gallet combine the brilliant skill in processing the multi-layer glass and exquisite forms and decorations in moderne style. One of the favorite motives in Gallet's works is an orchid. Two pink orchids decorate the two coupled vases presented by Lotarigne to Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna. Many items exhibited used to decorate the private apartments of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fyodorovna in the Winter Palace. Some of them were produced by two greatest masters of applied arts Emile Gallet and Carl Faberge whose company manufactured the silver settings for the vases.
The masters of Daums Brothers factory, using the experience of Gallet, created their own integral style. In 1899 both companies united forming The Art School of Nancy.
Soon items made of multi-layer glass became fashionable in Europe and in Russia. Refined glass vases decorated the houses striving for being stylish and modern. People started to collect them. Some of the vases were purchased at the World Fair in Paris in 1889 and 1890 for Baron A.L. Schtiglitz's Museum in St. Petersburg. This collection later was transferred to the Hermitage. Many pieces came as diplomatic gifts to the Royal Court and decorated the beautiful palace interiors.

Gallet's Vases Larger view

A Vase with a Frog
and a Dragonfly Larger view

A Vase with Ribbons, Plant Motifs and Dragonflies Larger view

A Vase with Leaves and Flowers of Davia Dahlia Larger view