
We are Drawing in the Hermitage
25 December 1999 - 30 January 2000
The exhibition of children's works We are Drawing in the Hermitage is a creative report of the Art Studio activities over the previous academic year. Among many other exhibitions the Art Studio takes part in (exhibitions abroad, municipal exhibitions, charity exhibitions, competitions), this one is the most important and significant for the Studio. Looking at the pieces displayed, however, the visitor does not see the views of the Hermitage rooms, or the museum's exhibits, or the subjects from the Old Masters canvasses. Instead, we are striving to teach the children how their works can indirectly reflect the images inspired by the museum, through their own understanding of the subject, and through their personal experience and the experience they acquired during the lessons at the Hermitage.
Mastering arts through their own artistic activities at the Hermitage helps talented children to proceed in getting educated at arts schools, lyceums and fine arts institutions. Many graduates of our Art Studio are now working as professional artists. Others have gained the knowledge and understanding to become well-prepared viewers.
 Christmas Ball in the Winter Palace
Mikhailova Sonya Larger view
 The Place for the Genius in Tsarskoselsky Park
Evstefeev Alyosha Larger view
 A Dream after a Visit to the Hermitage
Mikhailova Mila Larger view