
"The Original Print". 1893-1895
April 11, 2000 - July, 2000
The exhibition acquaints visitors with the most well-known Parisian publication, that appeared in the late 19th century at the highest point of interest in the contemporary prints. The publication of "The Original Print" was implemented due to active participation of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. He executed the famous cover for the first annual set that became one of the masterpieces of the artist.
The prints were published by Andre Marti, a publisher, a men of letters and an expert in printed graphics. In the course of three years nine issues were published with 94 printed works most of which were created specially for "The Original Print". Every issue had a circulation of only 100 copies. The prints were made on the paper of the best quality in the most well-known printing-houses of Paris.
The first issue had a preface written by Roger Marx, who noted that this publication turned to be a wonderful phenomenon that marked revival of wide interest in printed graphics among contemporary artists. This publication for the first time represented works executed practically in all existing techniques. Marti created an impressive picture of the art of new French prints during its golden age. He showed works of both maitres of this art and of young artists in one edition. "The Original Print", notable for high level of represented works, is a unique example of French art and an integral part of artistic and publishing life of that time.
The exhibition in the State Hermitage Museum features 35 works by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Felix Valloton, Mauris Denis, Pierre Bonnard, Puvis de Chavannes, Auguste Renoire, Henri Fantin-Latour, Auguste Rodin, Odilon Redon, James Whistler and other famous and rescued from oblivion artists.

Portrait of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Charles Maurain Larger view

Cover of the first annual set of "The Original Print"
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Larger view