
A Biblical Landscape
The Museum of Israel, 3 paintings
"The Art of Arms of Zlatoust in the State Hermitage Collection"
("Stahl-Prunk -Gold")
26.05 - 31.10.2000
Germany, Hagen,Westfaelisches Freilicht-museum
Technischer Kulturdenkmale , 162 exhibits
"Glory of the Golden Age"
15.04.- 17.09.2000
Holland,Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 4 pictures
"Triumph of the Baroque. Architecture in Europe. 1600- 1750"
21.05.- 09.10.2000
The The USA, Washington,The National Gallery , 1 sculpture
France, Avignon, the Papal Palace, 1 exhibit
The Treasures of the Golden Horde The Gold of Jenghizids. Cultural Heritage of the Golden Horde
30.08.2000 - 14.01.2001
The Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, The State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, 632 exhibits