
1850: The acquisition of the collection from the gallery of Cristoforo Barbarigo
In 1850 the Museum acquired the collection from the Palace of Venetian patrician Cristoforo Barbarigo, in whose palace the artist Titian died in the 16th century. The Barbarigo collection, including a number of pieces by Titian, had been put together in the 16th century and described in detail by Ridolfi, historian of the Renaissance era. When the Museum acquired the Barbarigo paintings it already possessed three canvases by Titian, Danae, Portrait of a Young Woman (Crozat, 1772) and The Flight into Egypt (Bruhl, 1769), but now it gained another five pieces, including his masterpieces The Penitent Mary Magdalene and St Sebastian.

Repentant Mary Magdalen
Tizian (Tiziano Vecellio)

St Sebastian
Tizian (Tiziano Vecellio)