
The Japanese Art of Calligraphy and Painting with Indian Ink
The exhibition housed in the foyer of the Hermitage Theatre features nearly 20 calligraphy works and Indian ink paintings brought from Japan. The exhibition show was accompanied with a short commentary about the history and peculiarities of these kinds of art. The screen reproduced the process of creating works of art in all the details. Microphones and amplifiers enabled the public to hear how Indian ink is ground in an ink-pot and how the master drives with a brush on the paper. The visitors of the exhibition also had a chance to see the necessary materials and tools.
Sudzuki Fujo (b.1943) a master of Indian ink painting, an architect of the first class, is the leader of the “Scientific-research Centre of Indian Ink Painting of Fujo” and teaches the basics of Indian ink technique in the NHK school. She had seven personal exhibitions, participates in numerous exhibitions of calligraphy and Indian ink painting with other artists. Many times the artists was awarded with prizes of the Japanese Association of Fine Arts and different exhibitions of Indian ink painting.
Indaka Kadzuko(b.1937) is a calligrapher and teacher of calligraphy, a member of the All-Japanese Association of Calligraphers, a member of the Organising Committee of Calligraphy Exhibitions Mainiti, a deputy director of the Association of the Teachers of Calligraphy, the President of the Society of the History of Arts of Iticharasi, the Vice-president of the Society of Cultural Exchange between Japan and China.

At work

Participants of the exhibition show