Presentation of the International Cultural Programme "Tuba Mirum"
The Programme includes the opening ceremony of the Gate in the Great Courtyard of the Winter Palace, the exhibition of musical intruments from the world only Museum of trumpets in Bad Saeckingen (Germany) and also a series of musical performances the major being the first execution in Russia of the oratorio by Krzysztof Penderecki "Seven gates of Jerusalem" dedicated to the 3000 anniversary of Jerusalem. The Winter Palace was constructed in 1754-1762 from the design of the architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. In the 18th century the passage-ways leading to the Palace were partitioned off by the wooden gate constructed in 1771 from the design of Yury Veldten. In 1886 Nikolai Gornostaev, the architect responsible for the construction works in the Palace, designed the Great and the Small gates and the grating for the slope drive for coaches. After the Soviets established the new rule the gate was partially dismantled, in particular the gilded figures of the double-headed eagles disappeared. The Programme "New Entrance to the Hermitage" (opening of the admission area to the Museum for the public from the Palace Square) implies restoration of the gate according to its original design, up-dating of the mechanism of the gate in view of admission of vehicles and of around 2 million visitors annually and renovation of the layout of the Great Courtyard of the Winter Palace.
In 2001 after a long period of time the State Hermitage Museum will open for the visitors the Main Gate and the Great Courtyard of the Winter Palace. To mark this occasion the oratorio by Krzysztof Penderecki "Seven Gates of Jerusalem" will be executed in Russia for the first time.The orchestras and choirs from Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, Israel and Russia will be conducted by the composer himself.
A series of musical performances in the Great Courtyard of the Winter Palace will include Symphony N9 by Beethoven, the execution of this piece will complete the concert cycle "All Symphonies of Beethoven in the Hermitage" (conductor Saulus Sondetskis). From Juhe 1 to June 30 the Hermitage Theatre as well as the rooms of the Hermitage will become the stage for these concerts