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Hermitage in the World of Publications - 1999

As in the previous years a traditional annual exhibition Hermitage in the World of Publications marked the Days of the Hermitage on 7 - 9 December that are the days when scientific reports and accounts of exhibition activities of the Museum are rendered.

According to the President of Russia Edict of 12 June 1996 the State Hermitage bought works of art, sculpture, applied art and represented them in the catalogue Monuments of Culture and Art. New Acquisitions of 1997 - 1998.

A large part of the exhibition is devoted to books and collected scientific papers of the researchers of the Hermitage, summarized reports of conferences and Hermitage readings, as well as periodicals with publications of the Hermitage researchers.

Editorial Board published in 1999 Reports of the State Hermitage. Issue XLIII, summarized reports of annual Hermitage readings in memoriam of B.B.Piotrovsky, V.F.Levinson - Lessing, P.F.Gubchevsky, summarized reports of the seminar Juwellery Art and Material Culture and reports on the Archeological Session of 1998.

Collected publication Bosporan city of Nymphaeum contains materials of International Conference devoted to the 70 anniversary of the chief of Hympheaum expedition N.L.Grach (1929 - 1991) and 60 anniversary of the work of Nymphaeum expedition that was an important event in the life of the Museum.

The Hermitage tradition to celebrate anniversaries of honoured researchers of the Museum was carried on with the conference Copts: religion, culture, art in memoriam of 100 anniversary of the founder of Coptic collection of the Hermitage V.G.Bock (1850 - 1899) and with publication of collected papers Coptica Hermitagiana - to the 110 Anniversary of Coptic collection of the Hermitage.

The Hermitage restorers published their reports in the collected works on restoration N2 and N3 Album of Levashov's family in the Hermitage collection

The conference of societies of the School Centre of The Hermitage resulted in an unusual collected works of 12 - 13-years old authors devoted to the history and art of Medieval Europe Reliquary of St Valerie.

The exhibition also had on display catalogues of temporary exhibitions held in the Hermitage and other museums of the world. Among them catalogues of exhibitions French drawings from the Hermitage collection, Ancient city of Nymphaeum, Under the sky of Italy, Treasures of Egyptian Hermita, Russian icons with scenes from lives of saints of 16th - early 20th centuries.

Publication of the essay on the history of the Hermitage collection Drawings of Old Masters of Holland and Flanders was devoted to the symposium of International Assosiation of Curators of Dutch and Flemish art (CODART) on the subject Dutch and Flemish Art in Russia.

5 albums - catalogues Russia - Sweden. From War to Piece. 18th century prepared under the patronage of the President of Russia B.Yeltzin and His Majesty King of Sweden Karl XVI Gustav to the exhibition of the same name held in Stockholm and St Petersburg. The booklet French Art of 20th century. Pierre Bonnard and Maurice Denis tells about the exhibiton that is the first one of the series of Hermitage exhibitions in the new Museum building - General Staff.

The booklet devoted to the canvas of J.Jordaens Adoration of the Magi represents exhibition of one painting from the series Masterpieces from museums of the world in the Hermitage

The exhibition gave a chance to get acquainted with the catalogue of exhibition Russian Court Costume held in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and organized by this Museum together with the Hermitage.

Catalogues Chardin (Karlsruhe, Germany) and Morandi (Madrid, Segovia, Valencia) represented participation of the Hermitage in international exhibitions.

In a special show-case albums and guide-books devoted to the Hermitage collections and published in different languages by the publishing houses Slavia, P - 2 and Alpha-Colour are on display.


The exhibition in the Hermitage Theatre's lobby

The exhibition had on display catalogues of temporary exhibitions


The Hermitage
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