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"HOME" section contains Site Sections List, weather overcast in St.Petersburg and Moscow, exchange rates of the Central Bank of Russia, some information about Russia and our feedback form (with our contact information).

Russia coat of arms


"LATEST RUSSIA NEWS" section is a link to newswire of the most authoritative Russian information agency "RIA-Novosti".

"KURSK SUBMARINE" section contains information about lifting operation of nuclear submarine "Kursk". Archive, news, details, dossier, illustrations, 3D model, weather report, official comments.

"DIRECTORY" section is a catalog of Russian web resources. Contains next sections: Arts & Culture, Banking & Finance, Business & Trade, Education & Science, Government, Literature & Language, News & Media, Sports, Regional, Travel & Hobby, Weather.

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"CLASSICAL MUSIC IN MP3" New ! section contains fragments of the best Classical Music masterpieces in MP3.

"VISA INFORMATION" section contains information about Russian visa, information from the Russian consulates & embassies worldwide, information from the consulates & embassies of different countries in Russia, links to the sites of the consulates & embassies.

"CLASSICAL MUSIC" New ! section contains pieces of Classical Music, performed by Russian musicians, in Real Audio.
St.Petersburg coat of arms


"ST.PETERSBURG GUIDE" section contains a huge illustrated St.Petersburg guide with the detailed city map, calendar of events, livecams & many others.

"MAPS AND PLANS" section contains different St.Petersburg maps and plans: area maps, park maps, airport and metro (subway) plans, theatre and concert hall plans.

"NEWS OF ST.PETERSBURG" section is a link to the most popular English newspaper "St.Petersburg Times".

"MULTIMEDIA GALLERY" section contains beautiful photos of St.Petersburg, link to the different St.Petersburg photo galleries, free screensaver featuring St.Petersburg pictures, 3D panorama of the Kirov Opera and video from Peterhof.

"CLASSICAL MUSIC IN MP3" New ! section contains fragments of the best Classical Music masterpieces in MP3.

"KIROV OPERA" section contains information concerning the State Academic Mariinsky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet Theatre which is famous all over the world. Including 3D panorama of the theatre exterior and interior and theatre hall plan.

"PETERHOF" section contains information about world-known "Capital of Fountains" Peterhof. Including videous and huge photo gallery!

"THE HERMITAGE" section contains information about the world-known State Hermitage Museum.

"THE RUSSIAN MUSEUM" section contains information about the world-known State Russian Museum.

"MUSEUMS" section contains information about St.Petersburg museums.

"HOTELS" section contains information about St.Petersburg hotels & links to the hotel sites.

"THEATRES" section contains information about St.Petersburg theatres. Including theatre hall plans and playbills.

All about St.Petersburg and Russia

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t o p   o f   p a g e  
Complete playbill of all St. Petersburg,Russia theatres, shows, concerts, etcComplete playbill of all St. Petersburg,Russia theatres, shows, concerts, etc. !
World-known music festival "The Stars of the White Nights". Artistic director - Valery Gergiev (Mariinky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet)World-known music festival "The Stars of the White Nights".
Artistic director - Valery Gergiev (Mariinky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet)

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St.Isaac's Cathedral Peter and Paul Fortress
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