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Mariinsky (Kirov) Ballet and Opera theatre, St.Petersburg, Russia
Tickets to other Ballet and Opera companies; concerts; folk shows in St.Petersburg, Russia
Tickets to Bolshoi Ballet and other Ballet and Opera companies; concerts; folk shows in Moscow, Russia
Mariinsky (Kirov) opera and ballet theatreThe opera and ballet companies are famous the world over. The repertoire includes such classics as Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" and "Swan Lake" and works by Mozart, Verdi and Rossini. Other popular productions are Massenet's ballet "Manon" and the operas "Don Juan" by Mozart, "War and Peace" by Prokofiev and Wagner's "Das Rheingold". The latest productions are Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker" (with scenery by Mikhail Shemyakin), Puccini's "La Boheme" and Verdi's "Macbeth".
The history of the Mariinsky theatre started in 1783 when the Bolshoi (Stone) Theatre was open in Petersburg, where dramatic opera and ballet performances were staged. Now there is the Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire.
By the declare of Ekaterina II the Bolshoi (Stone) theatre was built on the site of that building, surpassed the great European theatres by its brilliance and luxury. In 1849 in the building, constructed on the project of the architect Alberto Kavos, opposite the Bolshoy theatre, the circus was opened by a horse festive performance. It was designed so that it could be used as a theatrical placing. In the night on 26 January 1859 the circus burnt. On its site by the project of the same architect a new theatre was built, designed for music and drama performances. It was called the Mariinsky theatre in honour of the Emperor Alexander's II wife Maria Alexandrovna. Here came Russian opera and then ballet troupes of the Bolshoi Theatre. The theatre was opened on 2 October 1860 by Michail Glinka's opera "Life for Tsar".
Blue and gold colour is the symbol of the Mariinsky theatre. Five-circled hall of the theatre stayed almost unchanged after the rebuilding by Alberto Kavos in 1859. The hall is defined by emphasized festivity; it was designed as a hall of the leading theatre of Russian Empire.
In 1935-1992 it had the name of C.M.Kirov. The World premieres of many masterpieces of Russian opera classics were staged there. Including Glinka's "Life for Tsar", "Ruslan and Ludmila", Musorgskiy's "Khovanshina" and "Boris Godunov", Borodin's "Prince Igor", Rimsky-Korsako's "Tale about Invisible Kitezh City and maiden Fevronia", P.I.Chaikovsky's "Queen of Spades".
The original national vocal school was formed in the Mariinsky theatre. The fortunes of many world opera art stars. Great Fjodor Shaljapin, Ivan Ershov, Nikolai Figner, Leonid Sobinov, Felija Litvin, later- Nikolay Peskovsky, Sophia Preobrazhenskaya, Mark Reyzen, Georgyi Nelepp sang on the stage. The Mariinsky theatre has always had piety to classic traditions. Beside that there were performances in XX century, that became epoch-making, turning point for the development of new aesthetics for opera theatre. Alexander Benua, Konstantin Korovin, Alexander Golovin and Valentin Serov opened here the new possibilities of theatrical drawing to the world. Here Vsevolod Meyerhold staged his genius performances, each of which became an interesting for the world art event.
The theatre repertoire includes the "golden fund" works of opera classics. For the last years the theatre staged performances jointly with the greatest world opera stages: Covent Garden, Opera de Bastil, La Scala, La Fenice, Tel-Aviv Opera and San-Francisco Opera.