GREAT BRITAINFriends of the Kirov Opera and Ballet
Chief Executive Ms. Caroline Smith
Address: 20-21 Tooks Court
Cursitor Street
London EC4A 1LB
tel. 44 20 7831 7547
fax: 44 20 7831 8209
e-mail mariinsky_friends@compuserve.com
WWW www.mariinskyfriends.co.uk
FINLANDFriends of Mariinsky
Director Mr. Matti Tuomisto
Tel. +358-9-566 5890
e-mail klassiset@netlife.fi
Secretary Ms. Leena Ahvonen
Tel. +358-40-506 3309
e-mail leena ahvonen@hotmail.com
Friends of Mariinsky in Finland supports annual Mikkeli Music Festival and regularly organizes trips to St Petersburg and the Mariinsky Theatre.
JAPANFriends of the Kirov Opera - the Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg in Japan
Contacts: Ms. Toshiko Kuronuma (Vice-President)
Fax: 81-47-352-6634
Address: ‘/o Shibuya Post Office
150-8681 Japan
The society was founded in September 1996. Professor Ikuo Kameyama, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, is the President of the organization. The objective of the organization is to support the activities of the Mariinsky Theatre: periodically publish the newsletters and organize lectures about Russian opera, donate musical instruments, support the Young Singers' Academy, publish synopsis of Russian operas in the Japanese language. The service is provided in Japanese.