Greeting the Patriarch AlexiusII in the St. Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. |
Meeting of the Patriarch AlexiusII at the entrance to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. April 4, 1996. |
The Metropolitan Vladimir donatino an icon of Our Lady to the Patriarch Alexius after the signing of the act assignating the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Eparchy. |
Praying on the day of Whitsunday in the St. Trinity Cathedral. |
The Metropolitan Vladimir reading the Patriarch Alexius's greeting on the occasion of the 200-th anniversary of the elevating of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery to the rank of Lavra. |
Celebrating the commemoration day of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky on the square named in his honour. September 12, 1998. |
Celebration of the St. Prince Alexander Nevsky's commemoration day on the square named in his honour. September 12, 1998. |
Praying on the Christmas heading by archimandrite Nazarius |