The St Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Monastery) founded at the beginning of the eighteenth century by the Emperor Peter I has been the principal monastery of the Russian Empire.Under the Soviet power the Lavra was closed, and only in the end of 1994 the Holy Synod gave its blessing to commence the revival of the cloister.
In the spring of 1996 the Russian Orthodox Church was assignated the major part of the premises once possessed by the Lavra. At present they are occupied by the St Petersburg Diocesan Administration (in the Metropolitan's building which had housed the chambers of the Metropolitan of St Petersburg), the Monastery itself, the State Museum of the Urban Sculpture, the municipal station of blood transfusion ¹ 1 and the central scientific and research institute "Prometey". Regrettably, the Church has not yet obtained the building of the Annunciation Church included in the complex of the Lavra's square and having great importance for the religious feeling of the believers. It had been this temple where in 1724 the holy relics of St Prince Alexander Nevsky had been translated to and kept until their transfer to the St Trinity Cathedral in 1790. The Annunciation Church was the first temple of the Lavra. On the day of its consecration, March 25, 1713, the history of the cloister commenced. Therefore for believers it remains incomprehensible that the building of the Church is still owned by the Museum of the Urban Sculpture and the inscription on one of the first temples of the city is "The Russian National Pantheon".
Since the assignation of the Lavra's premises to their initial owners much has been done. A part of the premises of the Metropolitan's building, the facades of the inner part of the square, the Gateway Church as well as the Annunciation Gate have already been restored. Nevertheless the volume of the work to be executed in the premises of the former scientific and research institute "Prometey" remains enormous. In accordance with the budget fixed by the St Petersburg Diocesan Administration, maintenance and restoration of the Lavra's buildings amount to more than 1 billion roubles in the prices of the year 1999.
The main problem of the Monastery during the last years remains the problem of restoration of the premises assignated to the Church. To our sorrow, the process of destruction of the monastic buildings is more rapid than the restoration because of the inadequacy of the required and the available resources. The repeated requests of the Administration of Lavra addressed to the state municipal authorities to assign any funds for the cloister's restoration have drawn no attention and therefore all works in the Lavra are being executed exclusively at the expence of the Monastery.
The Administration of the St Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra congratulates you on the 2000th anniversary of Christmas, and on the threshold of this festive event requests to render assistance in the restoration of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, an outstanding architectural monument of the 18th and 19th centuries and one of the most beautiful architectural complexes in the North-West of Russia.
Our address and essential information:
The St Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Monastery), 193167 St Petersburg, Monastyrka Emb., 1 phone (812) 274-1702, fax (812) 274-2433
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