Free screensaver featuring St. Petersburg pictures
Arcadia SPb Pictures Version 1.006
Provided by Arcadia, Inc. and Planet Software, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1999 Arcadia, Inc.. All Rights Reserved
*** Installation Notes
To install installation package files: Select Run from the Taskbar Start menu and enter full name of the self-extracting ZIP file (for example, C:\Install\Spbsaver), press Enter key, and follow the prompts. To install Arcadia SPb Pictures: Run setup.exe file from the directory where You extract installation package files, and follow the prompts.
*** Uninstallation Notes
Select Settings, Control Panel from the Taskbar Start menu, double click on Add/Remove Programs item, select Arcadia SPb Pictures in the Install/Uninstall tab, press Add/Remove button and follow the prompts.
*** Requirements
1. Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT 3.51/4.0 Operation System.
2. 640x480 or higher screen resolution.
3. 256 colors or higher screen color resolution.
*** Product Overview
This program is a Windows screen saver that shows a set of pictures with prospects of St. Petersburg city. The transition from one picture to another is performed by special diffusion algorithm. The installation package also includes taskbar program that will help You with screen saver launching and settings tuning.
*** Product Features and Usage Notes
Arcadia SPb Pictures Features:
* Pictures of St.Petersburg prospects showing
* Transition from one picture to another by special diffusion algorithm
* Screen saver launcher utility (taskbar)
Screen saver settings: You can modify speed of the animation, height of the diffusion zone and "autorun launcher utility at Windows startup" option using screen saver properties dialog. This dialog could be started either from popup menu of the launcher utility (press right mouse button on launcher's icon in taskbar and select "Screen Saver Settings" menu item) or from "Control Panel", "Display Properties" tab, "Settings..." button. Screen saver launcher utility: This taskbar utility will help You quickly run screen saver (by double click on launcher's icon in taskbar or by selecting Run Arcadia SPb Pictures menu item from launcher's popup menu), screen saver settings, and view registration and help dialog boxes. By default, it will run automaticaly at Windows startup. But You can change this option and stop using launcher by using screen saver properties dialog box or by setting appropriate option during installation process.
Click here to start installation process or download screensaver (1,17 Mb)