Restore of the loss architecture and art masterpieces
"Rossi library"
Short historical data: "Rossi library" was built under the project of K. I. Rossi in 1824. The decoration of ceiling was fulfilled after the original works of Barnab Medichi . Rossi also designed furniture for the library, it was manufactured in the Gamb's large furniture factory in St Petersburg. The library was completely destroyed during the war in 1941-1945.
Present state: The architecture was restore in 1960-s. It is necessary to restore the painting on walls and ceiling.
The sum of the investments:
140 000-150 000 USD
270 000 DEM
"Gonzago Gallery"
Short historical data: V. BRENNA built "Gonzago Gallery" in 1797. The painter Pietro Gonzago decorates the walls of the gallery. All decoration was loose during the war in 1941-45. The architecture of the gallery was restore in 1950-60, but the complete restoration was not finnished.
Present state: The technical state of the object is unsatisfactory.
The sum of the investments:
650 000 USD
1150 000 DEM
Two pedestals for the porcelai vases in the State Bedroom of Maria Feodorvna
Short historical data: Pedestals under blue porcelain vase was esteblished in 1790.
Materials: white and color marble
Present state: One was lost and the other also require restore
The sum of the investments:
Restore - 1500 $ USD
Remake - 2000 $ USD
Sculptures "Lion" and "Lioness".
Short historical data: The sculptures of the unknown Italian master of the XVIII century
Material: white marble.
Present state: some fragments are lost.
The sum of the investments: 3 000 $ USD
Statue Aphroditae
Short historical data: Ancient Rome work of the IIc. Copy after Greek original of II-III c.b.c. In Pavlovsk since 1783. Was seriously destroyed in1944.
Material: white marble.
The sum of the investments: 2 500 $ USD

Pedestals for the sculptures "Piece" and "Justice"
Short historical data: The pedestals were specially manufactured for the sculptures of the Italian master Pietro Bonnatti.
Material: color marble.
The sum of the investments:
Pedestal for the sculpture "Piece" - 1 000 $ USD
Pedestal for the sculpture "Justice" - 1600 $ USD

Sculpture(bust) "The portrait of Greek"
Short historical data: The sculptures of the unknown Italian master of the XVIII century
Material: white and color marble.
Present state: some fragments are lost.
The sum of the investments: 1500 $
Sculpture(bust) "The portrait of Rome Imperor Vittelly"
Short historical data: The sculptures of the unknown Italian master of the XVIII century
Material: white and color marble.
Present state: some fragments are lost.
The sum of the investments: 1500 $
Sculpture(bust) "The portrait of Rome Imperor Adrian"
Short historical data: The sculptures of the unknown Italian master of the XVIII century.
Material: white and color marble.
Present state: some fragments are lost.
The sum of the investments: 1700 $
Sculpture(bust) "The portrait of Rome Imperor Mark Avrely"
Short historical data: The sculptures of the unknown Italian master of the XVIII century
Material: white and color marble.
Present state: some fragments are lost.
The sum of the investments: 1700 $
Sculpture(bust) "The portrait of Rome Imperor Neron"
Short historical data: The sculptures of the unknown Italian master of the XVIII century
Material: white and color marble.
Present state: some fragments are lost.
The sum of the investments: 1700 $
t o p o f p a g e
Special equipment for the museum expositions, fond and store.
1. Show-cases for the expositions of historical costumes and fabrics
The sum of the investments : 12 000 USD
2. Special carcasses for the painting.
The sum of the investments : 40 000 USD
Ç. Special case for the storage of painting
The sum of the investments : 10 000 USD
4. Special lighting equipment
The sum of the investments : 6 000 USD