![Russian science technology]() |
Bryansk Regional Scientific Library
Bryansk Regional Scientific Library. Ability of search in the e-catalogue. |
![Russian science technology]() |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is an international intergovernmental organization located in Dubna, not far from Moscow, was established within the framework of the Convention signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the governments of the Member States in March 1956 in Moscow. |
![Russian science technology]() |
"Nauka i Tekhnika"
Electronic library of the popular scientific literature, systematization and popularization of scientific knowledge, electronic publications on history of science; history of engineering; energy (power engineering); security, lighting technology; heat technology; television. Analytical support of the information resources. |
Technologiya - State Research Center
Constructional and optical glasses and glass ceramics, constructional and functional ceramics, constructions from polymeric composite materials, thermal protective materials, film adhesives, vibration-absorbing coatings. |
Technology News
Technology News in Russian Daily mailing-list with over 16 thousand Russian-speaking subscribers publishes original articles containing the most interesting information from the world of computers, new technologies and sciences. |