Russian universities
Altai State Technical University
I.I. Polzunov - a great man of our country, engineer, constructor. His name was given to our University.
Russian universities
Altai State University
Altai State University in Figures and Facts. Administration. Normative Documents. History. The plan of ASU main buildings.
Russian universities
Amur State University
The Amur State University has 12 departments (including the preliminary studies department, the improvement of professional skills department and the department of professional refraining) with more than 30 majors. The University provides full-time study and part-time study.
Russian universities
Arkhangelsk State Technical University
Welcome to the Arkhangelsk State Engineering University. List of Departments, Faculties and Sub-Faculties.
Russian universities
Astrakhan State Technical University
About Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan City and Astrakhan Region.
Russian universities
Bashkir State University
The Bashkir State University was founded in 1957 on the basis of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after K.A.Timiryazev. The University is actually the legal successor of the Ufa Teachers' Training Institute - the first higher education institution in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which in 1920 was transformed into the Institute of Public Education and later into the Pedagogical Institute.
Russian universities
Buryat State University
International departments and representations. Information about administration of BSU. Professors' and tutorial staff. Institutes and scientific centers included into the University. Faculties and chairs of the University. The history of our University.
Russian universities
Center for Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
Center for Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at St.-Petersburg University. Meeting point for Russia and Portuguese - speaking countries.
Russian universities
Chelyabinsk Agroengineering University
At the Web pages of Agroengineering University of Chelyabinsk you can find the information on history of the University, its employees, educational curriculums, structure of the University, developed and planned scientific projects. Here you can also meet the minute descriptions of faculties, specialties and teaching disciplines.
Russian universities
Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University
At the Web pages of State Pedagogical University you can find the information on history of the University, its employees, educational curriculums, structure of the University.
Russian universities
Chelyabinsk State University
Greetings from Rector, History of the University, Faculties and Departments, Administration of the University, Structure of Entrance Tests and Competition, System in Chelyabinsk State University, Preliminary courses, University classes.
Russian universities
Cherepovets State University
The official WWW-server of Cherepovets University (8 000 students).
Russian universities
Chuvash State University
Here you can find the information on history of the University, news, educational curriculums, structure of the University.
Russian universities
English Club
The English Club - Information for teachers and students. Library, theater and more...
Russian universities
European University at St. Petersburg
The European University at St. Petersburg is an independent, non-governmental university which offers graduate programs in history, sociology, political science, ethnology, law and economics.
Russian universities
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg)
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia includes more than 20 faculties and more than 100 departments, the Institute of In-Service Training and Reinstruction, the Research Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education, the Institute of Natural Sciences, the Interuniversity Center for International Cooperation, the International Center for Educational Innovation, the Center of Distance Learning and Telecommunication Support of Education, and other subdivisions.
Russian universities
Hubbard College of Russia - Moscow
If you want to do better in business, if you want to advance your career, or if you want to be more effective as an executive or manager, you'll find help and solutions in L. Ron Hubbard's administrative technology.
Russian universities
Institute of Biomedical Chemistry at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Research and Development: biomedical chemistry, computer-aided drug discovery, bioinformatics, pharmaceuticals and food supplements, liver disorders, atheroscleriosis, diabetes, hepatitis C, cytochrome P450
Russian universities
International East-European University, Izhevsk
Here you can find the information on history of the University, news, structure of the University.
Inter-University Center Canada
We offer the chance to study the Russian language and culture at Moscow State University. Open to university students from around the world, credits are transferable back to the student's home university. We also administer an internship program for Canadian citizens:
Russian universities
Jewish University in Moscow
Russian universities
Kabardino-Balkarian State University
Russian universities
Kaliningrad State University
Russian universities
Kaluga State Pedagogical University
Information about University, administration, students.
Kazan State University
The University researchers conduct joint projects with their numerous foreign partners. It welcomes international applicants, encourages exchange of students and professors, hosts foreign scientists. You can obtain your M. A. or Ph.D. or take an individual short academic (from one month to one year) class at any of the University departments, laboratories or affiliated research institutions.
Russian universities
Kazan "Tupolev" State Technical University
Structure of the university, Education system and degrees, Educational majors, Post-graduate and Doctoral Candidate's courses, People at TKSTU.
Russian universities
Kemerovo State University
Russian universities
Kostroma State Technological University
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University - Greeting from rector of KSTU, Sertificates of KSTU, Administration of KSTU, Personality, Distant education of KSTU, The results of scientific researches Science and Technique Achievements for Siberian regions’ development.
Russian universities
Kuban State University
Russian universities
Kurgan International University
Russian universities
Kuzbass State Technical University
Russian universities
Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University
Russian universities
Liden & Denz Language Center
The Liden and Denz Russian language school provides following Russian language courses in St.Petersburg: Russian lessons for individuals and groups - summer study abroad programs - business Russian, classes for the new state exam Russian as a Foreign Language etc. Students stay with host-families or in our residence hall. Cultural program provided.
Russian universities
Lingua.ru - Educational Center
Foreign languages school. Flexible schedule, open from 10am to 10pm 7 days a week. Teachers are native English speaking people.
Russian universities
Mari State Technical University
The Center of social-humanities education, The Center of mathematical and science-research education, The Center of general professional education, The Center of pre-institute training, The faculty of economics, The faculty of mechanics and machine-building, The radio-engineering faculty, The forestry-industrial faculty, The faculty of forestry and ecology and more.
Russian universities
Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Russian universities
Modern University for the Humanities
Russian universities
Mordovia State University
Russian universities
Moscow External University of the Humanities
Russian universities
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)
This page is about life of the students in Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI). It has additional information about neuronets.
Russian universities
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)
Russian universities
Moscow State Linguistic University
Russian universities
Moscow State Social University
Russian universities
Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
Russian universities
Moscow State Technical University "Bauman"
Russian universities
Moscow State Technological University "Stankin"
Russian universities
Moscow State University
Russian universities
Moscow State University of Commerce
Russian universities
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
Russian universities
Moscow State University of Railway Transport
Russian universities
Moscow University Touro
Russian universities
Murmansk State Technical University
Russian universities
Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural-Building University
Russian universities
Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University
Russian universities
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University
Russian universities
Nizhny Novgorod State University
Russian universities
Novgorod State University
News, information, university faculties, projects, institutes and more...
Russian universities
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Russian universities
Novosibirsk State University
Russian universities
Omsk State Pedagogical University
Russian universities
Omsk State University
Russian universities
Penza State Technical University
Russian universities
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Russian universities
Pereslavl University
Russian universities
Perm State Technical University
Russian universities
Perm State University
Russian universities
Petrozavodsk University
Russian universities
Pomor State University
Russian universities
"ProBa" Education Center
Study Russian in Russia. Language school in St.Petersburg (founded at the beginning of 1995) dealing with the problems of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. Individual and Group Courses year round. Semester Courses. Language programs all across Russia, accommodation, bookstore.
Rostov State Pedagogical University
News, information, faculties and more...
Russian universities
Rostov State University
Conferences and Seminars, Magazines, Web-servers of RSU, Personal Home Pages of RSU, Education and Science Employees' Union, Camp of RSU.
Russian universities
Russian Academy of Sciences - Home Page
Russian universities
Russian State University for the Humanities
Russian universities
Ryazan State Pedagogical University
Russian universities
Samara State Technical University
Russian universities
Samara State University
Russian universities
Saratov State Medical University
During the years of its existence it became one of the largest medical institutes in Russia. Many outstanding scientists and doctors worked in the University contributing greatly to the development of medicine.
Russian universities
Saratov State Technical University
Russian study in Russia. A unique chance to live and study in one of the world’s most important cultures. Good university campus location. Student residence accommodation. Optional Business and Economics classes. Exciting program of cultural and social activities.
Russian universities
Saratov State University
Preparation department of the SSU , preparation courses. Reference information for post-graduate students. Reference information about receiving doctor's degree. List of committees in charge of reviewing and approving. Postulants for the candidate and doctoral degree. International Division. Foreign Activities of the University.

Russian study in USA

School of Russian and Asian Studies
Study abroad, independent study, seminars, research, and enrollment into degree programs at Russian universities. Customized educational tours of Russia and the NIS. Products and services for study and business in Russia. Business consulting, links to Russia and the NIS.
Russian universities
Siberian State University of Transport
Russian universities
Southern Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Welcome to Southern Ural State University, one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia. Cleverly composed and very informative page. Links to other universities.
Russian universities
State University/Higher School of Economics
Russian universities
State University of Management
Russian universities
St. Petersburg State Technical University
(former Leningrad Polytechnic Institute). University information, library, statistics, photos, guest-book and much more. Russification available.
St.Petersburg State Technical University
(former Polytechnical Institute). About the University, Organization & Structure, news and more...
Russian universities
St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Russian universities
St. Petersburg State University
Russian universities
St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Russian universities
St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance
Russian universities
Surgut State University
Taganrog State University of Radioengineering
This is a fast developing and very specialized institution of higher education, whose academic and research activities are mainly concentrated on Telecommunications, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science and related areas. There are seven colleges, including the Evening College, Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computing Systems, three design bureaus and an experimental plant.
Russian universities
Tambov State Technical University
Russian universities
Tomsk Polytechnical University
Russian universities
Tomsk State University
Russian universities
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Russian universities
We are the agency TRAVEL for EDUCATION which  specializes in sending Russian people to study foreign languages abroad. Victor Prokhorov's Education Center (ViP EC) specialize in getting foreign people to Russia to teach them  Russian language. +
Russian universities
Tula State University
Russian universities
Tyumen State University
Russian universities
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Russian universities
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Russian universities
Urals State University
Russian universities
Urals State University of Economics
Russian universities
Vladimir State University
Russian universities
Volgograd State Pedagogical University
Russian universities
Volgograd State Technical University
Russian universities
Vologda State Pedagogical University
News, information, Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science.
Russian universities
Voronezh State Agricultural University
Welcome to the web site of one oldest Higher Educational Institution of Russia, which is located in the heart of it's Black Soil Region.
Russian universities
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
On this site you can find all necessary information about university.
Russian universities
Voronezh State University
Voronezh State Technical University (VGTU) is a state higher educational establishment of the Russian Federation. The University is a leading centre of education, science and culture as well as a structural link of the system of continuous education.
Russian universities
Yaroslavl International University of Business and New Technologies
The Russian Department of the International University of Business and New Technology, offers an exclusive program for foreign students, instructors, researchers and anyone interested in studying Russian language, culture, history, politics, philosophy or Orthodox theology.
Russian universities
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University
Information about Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky. General Information. Admission Requirements for the Master Degree. Admission Requirements for the Ph.D. and Doctor of Science Degree. Additional Information.
Russian universities
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Information system "Student", projects, general information.
Russian universities
Yaroslavl State University
Information, faculties, news, programs and more...
Russia Guide