Agrarian Party of Russia
Site of Agrarian Party of Russia - political organization, which defense the interests of all people, who are related to Russian agro-industrial complex - farmers and people, who are employed in the sphere of food processing, wholesales and retail, agrarian scientists, and many other people. |
Alexander Lebed Fan Club
Alexander Ivanovich LEBED'. 20.IV.1950 - Chairman of Russian People's Republican Party (RNRP), chairman of the Movement 'Honor and Motherland' (Chest' i Rodina). Former State Duma Deputy (December 1995 - October 1996), former Secretary of the Security Council and President's advisor on national security (June - October 1996), former vice-chairman of Congress of Russian Communities (KRO). |
Alexander Lebed Official Home Page
Grass roots Movement "Honor & Motherland" - News, profile, press-center, elections, guest book. |
Boris Nemtsov Official Information Server
Boris Nemtsov - program, policy, mass-media, news, economy, bio, library, photo, documentation. |
Boris Yeltsin Home Page
Seriously, this is a joke. |
Boris Yeltsin MSNBC Chat Uncensored
Session took place on Tue May 12 11:05:41 1998The chat begins at...2:30 AM Pacific US Time; 5:30 AM Eastern US Time; 10:30 AM London (GMT) Time; 1:30 PM Moscow Time. The Russian version of this chat will be found at http://www.gov.ru |
Center for Liberal Conservative Policy
CLCP is a private non-profit organization promoting classic liberal values in Russia. News, staff, info, contacts. |
The Center for Political Conjuncture in Russia (CPCR)
CPCR is an independent research organization - political and policy analysis. General info, products and services, background, publications, news. |
Charitable organization, a fund of protection dranned. |
Democratic Union of Russia
Democratic Union of Russia Information Service. |
"Democraticheskiy Vibor Rossii"
Official Web Site of the Russian political party "Russia's Democratic Choice". Program, news, publications, discussion, political background, FAQ, contacts. |
Effective Politics Foundation
Independent private organization. Political consulting, organization and management of election campaigns, public relations. Political expertise and analysis, consultations for all government, public, political and private entities. |
E-Reliz, Ekaterinburg
Official site of "E-Reliz" a Ekaterinburg agency for Information and comprehensive political analysis. Urals Academy of Public Administration, who is who in Ekaterinburg, «Region-Inform» agency, political parties in Sverdlovsk oblast. |
Everything About Grigory Yavlinski Page
Liberal economist, one of the most popular persons among Russian intellectuals. At the Autumn 1995 Parliamentary elections, Mr. Yavlinski headed the Federal list of the "Yabloko" electoral union. During Russia's June 1996 presidential election, Mr. Yavlinski was a candidate for the Presidency of Russia.
FUNET Russian Politics Archive
Collection of Internet files related to the Russian political environment. Created by the Finnish University and Research Network. |
Glasnost Defense Foundation
Official documentation of the foundation, letters, political analysis, human rights issues in Russia and more. |
Harvard University Program on New Approaches to Russian Security
The Program is a network of younger scholars who analyze Russia's security policy and its role in international affairs. The participants are leading researchers in their fields who have finished dissertations blending conceptual analysis with empirical research in primary materials. |
James J. Grimes
Political commentaries. |
Inside Russia
The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom and a strong national defense. Gain insight into the debates and events shaping Russia today and tomorrow. News, analysis. |
International Foundation for Election Systems Russia Office
IFES is a non-partisan and non-governmental organization which is dedicated to strengthening and supporting the mechanics of election systems worldwide. IFES makes available unofficial translations of election legislation, regulations, administrative documents, and instructional materials. |
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
The official home page of LDPR. "Strong army, powerful Committee of State Security, reliable Ministry for Internal Affairs, because if we don't have strong army the West will command the economy of Russia in it's interests. Russian foreign policy should orientate to the South... but not to America...", etc. Bio, news, photos, local organizations. |
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Yaroslavl Regional Organisation
Official site of the local LDPR branch. Party program, local party newspaper, news, DUMA, contacts, etc. |
New Russia Transition Page
This site has been setup as a study aid for examining the political transformation of the former Soviet Union, from the USSR to the CIS and beyond. It is particularly related to Armstrong University's POS349, taught by Professor Dr. Steven Rhee. |
Panorama - Information Expert Group
Political parties, parliamentary factions, biodata on politicians, top-ranking state officials, outstanding businessmen and other public persons, The Political Extremism in Russia, National-patriotic organizations in Russia. History, ideology, extreme tendencies, Left in Russia. From moderate to extremists, Nationalism and xenophobia in Russian society, Ethnic separatism in Russia, Political Xenophobia. On Panorama server you can also find the newest resource devoted to elections 1999-2000 in Russia. Database LABYRINTH. |
"Party of the Pensioners" (Party of Senior Citizens in Russia)
The all-Russian public political organization "Party of the pensioners" |
Political Parties of the Russian Federation
A list of parties and their leaders: Communist ("die-hard", non-orthodox), Social Democrats (left & right, liberal right-to-center), Radical reform parties, nationalists (moderate, radical, extremist). |
Political Parties and Movements of the Sverdlovsk Region
Very extensive and professionally composed information on the issue. Historical background, documents, media, political parties and movements, forums, press-releases, news. |
This site is created for placing opinions about the political system of Russia and links to similar resources. Most of the information is in Russian. |
PolitOboz: Political Observation of Dmitri Gavra and Daniel Tsygankov
Political analysis, mass-media, political opinion and market research. Materials are provided by the Center of Sociological Studies and Opinion Polls, research center "Russian Sociology", faculty members, students and post-graduate students of the St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia, market and media research company COMCON-SPb |
Daily news. Interviews, publications, discussions, photos, message board, subscription. |
Public Opinion Foundation
Political, sociological, market polling. Political ratings, reviews, regional elite, archives. |
Referendum - Elections in Russia
Create your own Survey. |
Russian-American Nuclear Security Advisory Council
New U.S.-Russian cooperative nuclear security initiatives, and ensuring that existing programs become deeply rooted and are implemented expeditiously. The Council focuses on six primary issues: stabilizing and transforming the nuclear weapon complexes; securing nuclear warheads and weapon-usable materials; limiting production of fissile materials; disposing of excess fissile materials; and establishing transparency in the nuclear weapon reduction process. |
Russian Duma Official Home Page
This is the official site of DUMA. Historical background of DUMA, procedures, deputies, legislative activity, parliament library, seminars, conferences, links. |
Russian Institute
Non-profit private organization. Russian cultural conscience and problems of the new national identity. |
Russian Land Reform
This web page is dedicated to documenting current land reform efforts being conducted by a team of over 200 Russians that is financed by the British Know-How Fund and managed by the International Financial Corporation (IFC). |
Russian National Security
Article: Russian National Security The Official Assessment A Report by George Kamoff-Nicolsky © 1998. |
Russian National Unity Organization
Official web site of the RNU (Russian acronym would be RNE). Press-release, general information, program, membership, contacts. |
Russian People's Social Democratic Party, Urals Regional Division
Official site of the RPSDP. Program of the party, statute, news, leaders, Word from Chairman of RPSDP. How join the party, what can RPSDP do for you/what can you do for RPSDP, letters review. |
Russian Politics for Suite 101
Interactive server with comprehensive information about Russia and much more. Features recent articles, links, top 5 web sites, discussions. |
Russian Social Democracy
Russian social democrats' home page. Top news, the article about Russian social-democracy, Russian socialist & soc. democratic organizations, VassilyLlipitsky's speech about the situation in Russia. |
St. Petersburg Elections
St. Petersburg elections. News, information. |
Yabloko Official Home Page
"Yabloko" - a political news server. |