Access Russia online
Access Russia: Over 500 books, maps, periodicals and products on Russia and the FSU. Printed catalogs published twice a year since 1993. Full online catalog to search for the exact book you want! |
Ardis Books
Russian literature: poetry, criticism, fiction, anthologies, multimedia, language study, women's prose, rare photos, video excerpts, links and much more, including Nabokov, Akhmatova, Brodsky, Bulgakov, Dovlatov, Mandelstam, Dostoevsky, Pushkin and many more. |
Audio Books from Jimcin Recordings
Russian Literature ( English Translations ) AUDIOBOOKS and STORIES. Jim and Cindy of Jimcin have retired from the direct distribution of audio books. Many of our books are available at BOOKS ON TAPE for both sale and rental. |
Best Russian Books
BestRussianBoooks.com - Your source for Russian books, music and video. We have many discount rules. Our prices are much lower than other shops. Just check it out! |
Blackwell Publishers of London
Welcome to the website of the world's largest independent academic publisher of books, journals and educational software. |
Books about Russia - Arts, History & People
A selection of books and other materials from our stock about Russia, Russians, Russian art, architecture, history, crafts and society. |
Books of Russia - Online Russian Books
Welcome to Books of Russia, a St.Petersburg, Russia online bookstore! We sell Russian books and CDs since 1996 to many countries all around the world. |
Business Book Virtual Store
Business books - accounting, audit, insurance, economics, legal and much more... |
Contemporary Russian Book Artists' Books and Fine Publishers
Contemporary Russian Book Artists' Books - List of writers. |
East View Publications
Books, periodical, maps, other information resources from Russia and the CIS. |
German Language Publications on Russia/USSR/CIS
Databases and Bibliographies. |
Glas New Russian Writing
Is a book series which publishes today's Russian writers in excellent literary English translations as (and sometimes before) they are published in the major literary journals of Moscow and St Petersburg. We also scour the provinces for new talents. If you want an agreeable shortcut to knowing how Russia's writers see her past, present and possible future, you need to read Glas. |
Grant and Cutler, Ltd. of London
An excellent selection of technical dictionaries on subjects related to the internet and computer terminology is available. Most have been updated recently in order to keep up with this constantly-evolving and increasingly-common field of vocabulary. |
Judaic Kiosk
JudaicKiosk.com is a one-stop shop for a wide variety of Jewish Russian-language literature sold over the Internet. Our catalogue includes over 300 titles, including fiction, poetry, biographies, Biblical commentary, Judaic encyclopedias, history and academic texts, Hebrew-Russian dictionaries and kosher cookbooks. |
Kennan Institute Russian Audio Tapes
National Public Radio and the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies are pleased to announce the establishment of an audio archive of Soviet and Russian history. The archive consists of recordings dating back to the earliest years of the Soviet state. Included are the voices and speeches of key political figures. |
Kniga.com Bookstore
A Russian Bookstore based in New York. Over 1,600 in stock. Secure online ordering. $3 per order shipping charge - orders shipped within 48 hours. |
KnoRus Company - Business Books
The largest selection of business books on Internet. |
Lira Online Store
Russian books, audio, video, software, souvenirs. Books from Russia for all Russian-speaking population of the world. |
Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga
The first Russian Web bookstore! Books, press, news and more... |
M.I.P. - Controversial Russian Literature
Controversial Russian Literature, Secret Journal 1836-1837 by A. S. Pushkin, Mikhail Armalinsky. |
MirHouse.com Publishing
MirHouse.com is a publishing house of books and information relating to contemporary international and individual human relations. Current title: Business in the Russian Free Market, Understanding Russian Banking, A Sparrow's Voice - Living Through China's Turmoil in the 20th Century Coming soon! Babushka: Grandmother's Bench. |
ProBa Russian Language Center
Presents Internet's widest Russian collection: Textbooks - Survival Russian, Russian for beginners, Russian for advanced, Russian for children, Russian for..., Reader books, Tapes & CDs. |
St. Petersburg Publishing House
Books, video and music store. The largest selection. Membership benefits and discounts. News updated frequently. |
Thornton's: Russian Catalogues
Oxford's oldest Bookshop, established in 1835. Russia / Eastern Europe Catalogue Index. |
Victor Kamkin, Inc.
From classic literature to the best in contemporary fiction, Kamkin has it all! |
Zephyr Press
Zephyr Press is a literary publishing house specializing in translations from Russian and other Slavic literature. Recent titles include The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova and In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Russian Poetry in a New Era. |
Zora Books (Russian and English)
Books by catalog: art & culture, regional, music, theater, film, video and more... |