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Russian Big Brother ("Behind Class" or "Za Steklom")

Ania Gornushenkova Sveta Pavlova Katia Christmas Marina El'nikova
Elena Skrebkova Lena Bobileva Dima Bocharov Vladik Filatov
Phillip Grinstein Artur Hostikyan Matvey Kurmanin Maxim Samohin
Spare bench

Elynara Vezirova Evgenia Zamchalova Liza Vasil'eva Manana Sletina
Oksana Solomyanaya Olia Kovaljuk Andrey Lee Artur Gusha
Anton Kucenko Alexander Lipinsky Alexander Veselov Sergey Smirnov

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Life of participants of the previous show

Life of participants of the project "Behind glass" still beats a key.

Janna Agagisheva has got the whole army of admirers and has received some offers on work on TV. Despite of it, dizzinesses of successes did not happen - she still seriously is engaged in own education and successfully hands over session.
Alexander Koltovoj has already started creation of a heading in the program "Network" on a telechannel of TV-6, and already at the end of January it will appear on air as conducting.
Maxim Kasimov has new prospects in career of the musician.
Margo Semenyakova February, 12 becomes wife of Maksa, therefore she prepares for home life. Besides she continues to be improved in art of dance, being engaged in a choreography under management of Gediminas Taranda.
Anatoly Patlan of plans for the future yet does not build, enjoying new life. He has left the bride - Elmira, - but to mother of the son, Lyudmila, and has not returned. But has bought a red foreign car, and will drive about on it on Moscow, as a real macho.
Sportsmenka Olga Orlova has received the offer from a fittnes clubs network " World class " where will work as the instructor in aerobics. Besides expect her fast occurrence in a television ether. Where and when - while a secret.
Den, as against of Janna, has not paid losed their shares of a prize. He considers, that too frequently the important decisions behind glass were accepted without his participation, therefore he of nothing owe anybody. Denis is not going to return even half of cost of a racetrack which was presented to Max and Olga. The simulator appeared in Den's apartment after end of show " Behind glass " when Denis and Olga falled in love.

New year

Despite of unsolved monetary questions, approach New, 2002 "zastekolshiki" celebrated together - in Gostiniy Dvor, on the Venetian carnival on the air of TV - 6. Exactly in midnight they have lifted glasses with champagne which on the eve before departure Paris they were handed by Mr. the Director. According to guys, he became them " second daddy ". They - unique (except for a film crew, certainly) who knows how the owner mysterious " voices from the sky " looks.
On a New Year's holiday "zastekolshiki" have met old familiar - Vladimir Vol'fovich Zhirinovskiy who has visited the glass house as the visitor. Zhirinovskiy has acquainted guys with his wife and has congratulated happy New Year.
Besides on a carnival "zasekolshiki" have met Leonid Yarmolnik, Vladimir and Sati Spivakov. Appeared, that Sati is a fanof Janna.
Umar Jabrailov after intimate greetings and hand shakes has informed, that always will be glad to see guys in hotel "Radisson Slavic". About becoming them the second house "Russia" he has modestly held back.
All without exception "zastekolshiki" congratulate you happy New Year and hope for a fast meeting on air.

t o p   o f   p a g e  
  "Big Brother" at CBS
"Za steklom" official site: zasteklom
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