St. Petersburg photo gallery
St.Petersburg, Russia, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the historical and cultural importance of which is as big as that of Paris, London or Rome. Officially proclaimed the "Cultural Capital of Russia" St. Petersburg is a place, where you need weeks just to see all its major landmarks. Created by Peter the Great as a sea port on the Baltic it was essentially "a window to the West" for Russia, combining the best of the West and the East.
"City of White Nights", "Northern Venice", "Northern Palmira" was founded by Peter the Great in 1703.
St Petersburg was the first city built according to the regular plan. The plan of the city was unusual for Russian towns. Instead of a hill with a citadel, a Kreml, from which the name of the Kremlin occured, an island in the Neva's mouth was chosen as a focal point. A fortress was erected there.
This allowed for an arrangement of straight avenues, streets, and for those architectural ensembles for which the city has been famous.
City changed its name three times: St.Petersburg (1703-1914), Petrograd (1914-1924), Leningrad (1924-1991) and St.Petersburg again from 1991. During 200 years St.Petersburg was the capital of Russia. St.Petersburg is one of the biggest cultural and scientific centres in the world, the city with very rich history, traditions and promising future. There are about 120 museums, 40 theatres, 50 universities, 400 scientific research organizations. St.Petersburg is situated in the eastern part of the Finnish Bay on 42 islands in the mouth of the Neva River.
Due to its unique geographical position it is the only city among the biggest cities of the world, famous for its remarkable season of White Nigths, which begins in the beginning of June and lasts up to the middle of July. During the season of White Nights St.Petersburg undoubtedly is the most beautiful city in the world.
St.Petersburg has one of the first positions in the world on the amount of water - there are 93 rivers and channels with a total length of 300 kilometers, over 100 lakes and ponds inside its borders. There are 313 bridges in St.Petersburg (583 - if together with suburbs), some of them are considered to be quite unique architectural constructions. The total territory of the city together with suburbs is 1439 sq.kilometers. The Population of St.Petersburg is about 5 million people. This is the second largest city in Russia (after Moscow) and the 19th in the world. There are two airports, five railway stations. St.Petersburg is a big sea port. The municipal transport includes buses, trams, trolley buses, taxi and metro. St.Petersburg metro is a unique underground construction. Some stations are situated on the depth of 100 meters. The underground stations are the subject of the big interest for many tourists as they are made in the so called "underground palaces manner".
Almost all basic trends in world and Russian architecture of the 18th-20th centuries are represented in St Petersburg. That's why the city called "A Museum in the Open Air". Its architecture is fantastic. About 1000 architectural sights of world class: palaces, museums, churches and cathedrals, monuments, historical buildings are concentrated in St.Petersburg.
The world-known architects, sculptors and artists were invited there to create the city's unique look. The broad wonderful squares, wide avenues, including the main street - Nevsky Avenue, the rich palaces of Russian aristocrats, the majestic cathedrals and administrative buildings sprang up there. The Peter and Paul Fortress, the Winter Palace, the Smolny Cathedral, St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals built to the design of the architects Tresini, Chevokinsky, Rastrelli, Rossi, Kvarengui, Montferran, Shtakenshnaider and many others make the city look majestic. It is ornamented by the brilliant sculptures of Russia's statesmen - the famous Bronze Horseman, the monument to Peter the Great, the monument to the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, the monuments to the great army leaders, Mikhail Kutuzov and Barclai-de-Tolli, etc.
Many famous composers, writers, poets and artists lived and created their masterpieces here. Among them - Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Shostakovich, Karl Brullov, Dostoyevsky and many others.
The masterpieces of parade residences of 18-19 centuries are situated around St.Petersburg. These satellite towns - Peterhof (Petrodvorets), Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Oranienbaum, Gatchina - from palacegarden "necklace" around the city. It is high place to remind Le Corbusue: "Architecture includes into itself the whole culture of the epoch, the spirit of the time develops through the architecture". St.Petersburg confirms these words best of all. Undoubtedly, its architectural image is unique, it has imprints of the cultures of three centuries, it is difficult to compare St.Petersburg with some other city in the whole world.
The most Western and certainly the most beautiful city of Russia is waiting to unveil its treasures just for you...
