Railway Stations | International and inter-city railway travel | Buying tickets. St.Petersburg Railway Agency | Local commuter train services | Safety tips
Moscow Station
(Moscow, the far north, Crimea, the Caucasus, Georgia, Central Asia; suburban lines South-East)
Finland Station
(Helsinki, Vyborg and suburban lines North)
Vitebsk Station
(Smolensk, Belarus, Kiev, Odessa and Moldova; Pushkin, Pavlovsk and suburban lines South)
Warsaw Station
(Baltic states, Pskov, Lviv (Lvov) and Eastern Europe)
Baltic Station
(Peterhof, Lomonosov and suburban lines West)
(Moskovsky Vokzal)
Address: Ploschad Vosstania 2, just off Nevsky Prospekt
Metro: Ploschad Vosstania
Intourist ticket office: it is the first door on the right if you enter the main hall via the main lobby.
(You can use the St. Petersburg Railway Agency at Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboyedova, for buying tickets in advance)
Service Center: offers reliable telephone and fax service, photocopying, typing.
Currency Exchange is in the Main Hall. (A better exchange rate can be found elsewhere.)
Restaurant, Bar
Telegraph office is in the Main Lobby
Newsagent's and Souvenir kiosks are in the Main Lobby
The Ultimate Meeting Point - at the statue of Peter the Great in the Main Hall
(Finlyandsky Vokzal)
Address: Ploschad Lenina 6
Metro: Ploschad Lenina
Intourist Ticket Office is located in the wing flanking the tracks. You can enter it from both the street and the platforms. This office (counters # 9 and # 10) willsell you tickets for the St.Petersburg - Helsinki line. Counter # 16 provides fax and photocopying services and sells phonecards.
Currency Exchange is in the Main Hall of the station. Open: 10 am to 8 pm. Lunchbreak: 2 pm to 3 pm.
To access metro: walk out of the main doors and turn right - the entrance to the metro station is at the corner.
(Vitebsky Vokzal)
Address: Zagorodny Prospect 52
Metro: Pushkinskaya
You might need this beautiful station if you plan to go to South-West Russia, Belarus,Ukraine and Moldova, as well as some local destinations.
To find the tickets for local trains, walk along the facade of the station (away from the metro) and turn left around the corner. If you plan to go to Pushkin you shouldbuy tickets to Detskoye Selo.
If you are going to Pavlovsk note that the station bears the same name(surprisingly enough).
(Varshavsky Vokzal)
Address: Naberezhnaya Obvodnovo Kanala 118
Metro: Baltiyskaya, 400 yards walk to the station
This seriously worn out station leaves much to be desired. It serves the lines to theBaltic states, Pskov, Western Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Most of the facilities offeredby the station are sub-standard and the neighborhood is featureless. Maybe one day someone will give this station a total overhaul.
To find the ticket office: walk past the left wing of the station's facade, turn right and walk towards the tracks.
(Baltiysky Vokzal)
Address: Naberezhnaya Obvodnovo Kanala 120
Metro: Baltiyskaya
This railway station serves only local lines, but you might need it if you plan to pay a visit to Peterhof or Lomonosov. You can enter the station directly from the metro. Ticket offices will be to your left. If you plan to go to Peterhof/Petrodvorets you shouldbuy a ticket to Stary Petergof. If you go to Lomonosov you need a ticket to Oranienbaum.
See the Local trains section for further details.
t o p o f p a g e
Russia has an extensive railway network and you can get virtually anywhere by train. They say that the most exciting railway trip in Russia is the one over the Trans-Siberianline from Moscow to Vladivostok (or vice versa). Of the more useful train services available in St. Petersburg one should mention St. Petersburg - Moscow overnight sleepertrains and the St.Petersburg - Helsinki service.
The St. Petersburg - Helsinki railway line is served by two trains: the Russian-managed # 33/34 "Repin" and the Finnish-managed # 35/36 "Sibelius".
In St.Petersburg you can buy tickets for St. Petersburg - Helsinki railway line at the Finland Railway Station's Intourist Ticket Office.
Counter # 9 sells tickets for train # 33/34 "Repin". Open: 6 am to 7 am and 8 am to 7 pm. Sunday: 6 am to 7 am and 8 am to 4 pm. Lunch break: noon to 1 pm.
Counter # 10 sells tickets for train # 35/36 "Sibelius". Open: 8 am to 7 pm. Sunday: 8 am to 4 pm. Lunch break: noon to 1 pm.
Tickets are put on sale 30 days prior to departure. In the hour before a departure theoffice sells only one-way tickets to individual travelers (only for the next train; nogroup tickets). Tickets are sold on a regular basis at other times.
# 33/34 "Repin" |
times! |
Journey time: 6 h 16 min /6 h 30 min |
Departs from Helsinki: |
3.34 pm |
Arrives in St.Petersburg: |
10.50 pm |
Departs from St.Petersburg: |
7.00 am |
Arrives in Helsinki: |
12.30 pm |
# 35/36 "Sibelius" |
times! |
Journey time: 6 h 00 min /6 h 19min |
Departs from Helsinki: |
6:30 am |
Arrives in St.Petersburg: |
1:30 pm |
Departs from St.Petersburg: |
4.15 pm |
Arrives in Helsinki: |
9:34 pm |
* All times are local |
t o p o f p a g e
Trains and Stations
Which Station do I need if I plan to visit:
Gatchina[moscow], Lomonosov (Oraniyenbaumstation)[baltic], Pavlovsk[vitebsk], Peterhof (Stary Petergof station) [baltic], Pushkin (Detskoye Selostation)[vitebsk], Sestroretsk[finland], Zelenogorsk[finland], Vyborg[finland] ?
Note that some station names are different from the town names.
Local commuter trains are an option for your suburban travel only if you have some command of Russian language or if you travel with a Russian. The neatness of trains variesgreatly and all trains feature hard seats and, sorry, have no toilets. (You can live with it since most tourist destinations are only 30-40 minutes away).
All major Railway Stations in the city are located conveniently for metro and other public transportation. You can also catch a train at smaller stations within the city limits.
Every station has schedules on display. If a station serves several lines, it will haveseparate schedules for every line, and in most cases a suburban lines map. Some stationshave separate schedules for each direction: from St. Petersburg and to St.Petersburg.
Schedule information is normally displayed in the following sequence (good knowledge ofRussian is a huge advantage):
Time in chronological order of arriving/departing trains,
A one or two-letter index, if it's a Friday or a weekend train (weekend trains are marked in red)
Destination, and finally
Additional information (in small print). Sometimes trains do not stop at smaller stations; this is always marked accordingly on all schedules.
In summer some trains can get crowded, so it is wise to take a train at the first station of the line. Repair works may affect schedules at short notice, especially in summer. Look carefully for (often handwritten) "Changes" -"Izmeneniya".
Every station has a booking office "kassa" which can sell you either one-way or return ticket to your chosen destination. The clerks DO NOT speak English.
t o p o f p a g e
Safety tips
1. Make sure that you keep your wallet and valuables in your inside pockets.
2. Be aware of the small gap between the platform and the train.
3. Don't stand at the edge of the platform when a train is arriving. It is particularly dangerous if you have very long hair, wear a long raincoat or have an open umbrella in your hands. Take great care when traveling with small children.
4. Do not try to enter or exit the train after the announcement "Ostorozhno, dveri zakryvayutsa" - "Caution, the doors are now closing". The doors are pneumatically-fired and you have to be Houdini to escape being trapped between them.
5. Make sure that you know which station you need and get prepared for exiting the train in advance.
6. Try to make sure you don't leave anything on a train - it will be hard, if not impossible, to find it.
7. At smaller stations do not try to cross the railway track in front of an approaching train.
Have a nice trip