
Press-conference devoted to the exhibition in Rome From Monet and Renoir to Matisse and Picasso from the State Hermitage collection.
100 masterpieces of outstanding artists of French and world art of 19 th - 20 th centuries will constitute one of the most extraordinary exhibitions not only in Italy but worldwide. It is supposed to illustrate the period of French art starting from early Impressionism to the middle of 20 th century. The exhibits include canvases that are inseparable from the history of modern art such as Woman in the Garden and The bank of the Pond in Mongeron by Monet, Portrait of Jeanne Samary and Girl with aFan by Renoir, A Town of Villeneuve-La-Garenne on Seine by Sisley, Girl at the Piano, Overture to Tannhauser and The Smoker by Cezanne, At the Foot of a Mountain, A Magic Spring by Gauguin , Morning in Paris and Evening in Paris by Bonnard, Red Room, Portrait of the Artist's Wife and Dance by Matisse, Absinthe Drinker, Composition with a skull and Woman with a Fan by Picasso. Creative work of the later two artists - the greatest masters of 20 th century - is represented at the exhibition most fully: 20 works by Matisse and 15 by Picasso. The exhibition wil provide a possibility to see canvases of not only well-known geniuses of European art, but also pictures by Derain, Valtat, Vallotto whose role in the history of French art was considerable. Most exhibits originate from two famous Russian collections - of Sergei Shchukin and Ivan Morozov. Some pictures from the Hermitage collection that were purchased recently will be on display abroad for the first time: Beach in Trouville by Boudin and Custine street on Montmartre by Utrillo. Two Compositions with a cut pear by Picasso , Spring by Rouault and a number of drawings by Matisse will also be displayed outside Russia for the first time.

Director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky and President of the Mondadori publishing house Leonardo Mondadori |