The Story of Cupid and Psyche
The poetic lovestory of Cupid and Psyche was told in the book "Metamorphoses or the Golden Ass" by the Roman writer Apuleius. A young princess Psyche was notable for such a wonderful beauty that became praised by people as the goddess of love and beauty Venus. Having felt jealousy the goddess ordered Cupid to arouse in her rival's soul love to the most worthless creature on Earth. But Cupid being charmed by Psyche pleaded with Zephyres for the beauty to be brought into his chamber and visited her in the dead of the night. Feeling strong inducement to see the face of her mysterious lover in spite of the prohibition Psyche switched on the light and spilled hot oil on the shoulder of the god of love. Incensed about her behaviour Cupid left alone the scared princess. For a long time sad Psyche wandered looking for her lover but everywhere she was followed by hatred of Venus. Once the cruel goddess sent Psyche to Proserpina, the mistress of the netherworld, to bring a box from her where alleged beauty was kept but prohibited her to look inside. And again the curious princess could not stand the temptation and opening the lid breathed in poisonous evaporations and fell deeply asleep. Cupid having descended to the Earth woke up the beauty with a kiss. He also pleaded with Jupiter for immortality for Psyche. She ascended Olympus as a wife of the son of Venus.
 Panel 1. Eros is Struck by Psyche's Beauty
Denis, Maurice
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 Panel 2. Zephyr Transporting Psyche to the Island of Delight
Denis, Maurice
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 Panel 4. The Vengeance of Venus
Denis, Maurice
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 Panel 3. Psyche Discovers that Her Mysterious Lover is Eros
Denis, Maurice
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 Cupid and Psyche Canova, Antonio
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 Cupid and Psyche
Gentileschi, Orazio
(Orazio Lomi)
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