Our address:
Sankt-Petersburg, Monastyrka river emb., h.1
Passage: underground "Alexander Nevsky square" station, trolley-bus: 1, 7, 11, 22.
Telephone: 274-04-09
On the map marked:
1 - underground: "Alexander Nevsky square" station
2 - Alexander Nevsky square
3 - Holy-Trinity Alexander-Nevsky Lavra
Plan of the Lavra ensemble you can see in the section Architecture.
Carrying on the tradition of ecclesiastical enlightment, a special pilgrim service was organized in the Lavra two and a half years ago, with the blessing of Vladimir, Metropolitan of St Petersburg. The service arranges trips for Orthodox pilgrims to various regions of Russia as well as to the territories belonging to the Orthdox Church abroad, including that of Israel, Germany, Serbia, and Greece. The most popular among believers are the tours of the Holy Land in Palestina and the Holy Mountain of Athos.
As to the St Petersburg Eparchy, it disposes many places deserving pilgrims' worship as well. These are the St John of Kronstadt Monastery, the St Trinity Hermitage, temples and cathedrals in St Petersburg, and, of course, the St Petersburg Theological Academy.
Accompanied by a pilgrim service representative those visiting the Alexander Nevsky Lavra will know a detailed history of the cloister, will have an opportunity to climb the narrow 127-stepped spiral staircase leading to the belfry, to see the Metropolitan's palace. Pilgrims will taste a dinner cooked by old non-promulgated recipes of the Russian monastic cuisine served in the eparchy refectory.
Our telephone number (812) 274- 1612