St.Petersburg Philharmonic n.a. Shostakovich Bolshoy Hall Michailovskaya st., 2
philarmony is the oldest in Russia, it is about 200. Its history from Petersburg philarmonical society, created in 1802. In 1824 it organized a world premier of Beethoven's "Ceremonial mass".
The hall of the present philarmony was built in 1839 by the architect P.Zhako (K.Rossi designed the facade) for the Gentry Society of Petersburg.
A first-class acoustics hall, placing more than 1500 people, since 40's of last century has become a centre of musical life of Petersburg.
The famous musicians of 19th century performed there: F.List, G.Berlioz, R.Vagner, G.Maler A.Rubinstein, K.Shuman, P.Viardo, P.Sarasate and others. There were the first compositions of Russian music classics: Borodin, Musorgsky, Chaikovsky, Rymsky-Korsakov, Glasunov…
Saint-Petersburg A ceremonial opening of Petrograd philarmony was held on 12 June 1921. The first director E.Kuper - A talanted conductor and perfect organizator - conducted the symphonic orchestra. The concert programme was devoted to Creativity of P.I.Chaikovsky. In a short time the philarmony provided various concert, musical and lecturing and printing activity, that was assisted by its library. The main performancing group was a symphonical orchestra of the philarmony (now the Honoured group of Russia). During half of the century (1938-1988) a talanted Russian conductor E.A.Mravinsky directed this orchestra, and since 1988 the art director and main conductor of the orchestra is J.H.Temirkanov, one of the famous and bright modern conductors.
The repertoire of the philarmonic orchestra was enlarged with national and foreign musical classical compositions and also with the compositions of famous and outstanding composers of 20th century: Shenberg, Stravinsky, Bartok, Hindemit (all of them performed in a Big Hall). The circle of artists on tour was also widened. The famous modern musicians performed in a Big Hall: O.Klemperer, B.Walter, E.Anserme, E.Kleiber, L.Stokolovsky, A.Korto, A.Shnabel. Ar.Rubinstein, P.Gorovits, I.Menuhin, M.Rostropovich etc. Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago orchestras; orchestras of Berlin, Vienna, New York philarmonic societies, Amsterdam orchestra "Concertgebau" performed at the stage of a Big Hall. Here great fortunes started. The first performance of "the First Symphony" of D.Shostakovich was on 12 May 1926. A great composer was applaused in this hall for many years. In 30's he came from Moscow to premiers of his symphonies, and now the Petersburg Philharmonic Society is one of the best concert halls in Europe. To perform these is honoured and prestige. Much has been changed in concert life of the hall, other names decorate its posters, but it is " one of the best place in the world" as it was said by famous literature critic and artist Irakly Andronnikov.
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Seats: 1318 |
Address: Mikhaylovskaya ul., 2 |
Metro: Nevskiy prospekt |
Administration & Information: 311-73-33 |
Tickets: 110-42-57 |