Shliman. Petersburg. Troja.
Team of authors
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian
Number of pages: 268
Format: 240 x 290 mm
112 colour, 369 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-080-6
$ 15
The catalogue is dedicated to the memory of Heinrich Shliman who left for us many enigmas. Self-taught archaeologist, he became legend because he found Troja. The World War II dispersed the museum collections in different reserves. Part of Troja's and Shliman's antiquities was in the Hermitage, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, in the Academy of Arts. In the catalogue, there are presented the articles from different collections including these from the State Museums of Berlin. |
The State Coat of Arms of Russia. 500 years
by Georgy Vilinbakhov
Illustrated book
The main text in Russian and English
Number of pages: 168
Format: 215 x 275 mm
139 colour, 35 b&w ill.
Binding: hardback, jacket
ISBN 5-88654-051-2
$ 20
The Head of the State Heraldry Office under the President of the Russian Federation, Georgy Vilinbakhov wrote about the history of the Coat-of-Arms of Russia as a heraldic symbol and gave proofs for its statute in 1993 as the State Coat-of-Arms of Russia. |
Swiss Watches and Snuff-boxes. 17th-20th Centuries
by Larisa Yakovleva
Illustrated book
The main text in Russian; in English
Number of pages: 96
Format: 200 x 255 mm
240 colour ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-041-5
$ 7
The Hermitage collection of the European watches and snuff-boxes decorated with enamel had been formed from the 17th century as a private property of the members of the Emperor's family. The museum's collection of the jewelry is among the best collections in Russia. The works of the Swiss artists of the 17th-20th centuries represent the interesting part of the Hermitage collection. The masterpieces presented in the book consecutively illustrate all the periods of the development of the painted enamels and the Swiss watch-making during more than three centuries. |
Syam Art of the 14th-19th Centuries in the Collection of the State Hermitage
by Olga Deshpande
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the articles & commentaries in English
Number of pages: 200 pages
Format: 205 x 255 mm
145 colour, 20 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-053-9
$ 13
The collection of the Syam sculpture from the Hermitage contains samples of creative work of all main art schools of Thailand |
Tatyana Ilatovskaya. Masterpieces of European Drawing from the Private Collections of Germany
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the main text in English
Number of pages: 224 pages
Format: 227 x 280 mm
89 colour, 131 b&w ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 0-8109-1548-0
$ 12, $ 14
The catalogue specially issued to the exhibition of the same name reproduces the works of art transferred to Russia after the World War II. The main themes of the exhibition and the catalogue are drawings and watercolours of the greatest European masters-Goya, Delacroix, Van Gogh. The detailed descriptions of the works and wonderful colour illustrations would bring pleasure even for the most strict reader. |
Travel notes
by Boris Piotrovsky
Illustrated book
The main text in Russian
Number of pages: 312
Format: 70 x 90 1/16 mm
1colour, 203 b&w ill
Binding: hardback
ISBN 5-88654-055-
The travel stories prepared for publication by Boris Piotrovsky, archaeologist, director of the State Hermitage. There are described interesting meetings, places, countries, cities in this book compiled on the basis of the diary of Boris Piotrovsky. The drawings for the book are also made by the author himself. |
West European Applied Arts in the 16th-18th Centuries from the Hermitage Collection. To the Centenary of the Opening of the Museum of the Stieglitz Higher School of Technical Drawing
Team of authors
Catalogue of the Hermitage museum exhibition
The main text in Russian; the articles & commentaries in English
Number of pages: 144
Format: 215 x 275 mm
130 colour ill.
Binding: paperback
ISBN 5-88654-033-4
$ 14
As a result of the historical events part of the unique collection of the former Stieglitz Museum of Applied Arts was transferred to the Hermitage and merged with its collections. The catalogue presents one of the richiest section of the collection of the former Stieglitz Museum-West European Applied Arts of the 16th-18th centuries. |